Updated(2): Miracle Workers: End Times premiere date change - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated(2): Miracle Workers: End Times premiere date change

So it looks like the premiere date for series 4 of Miracle Workers, Miracle Workers: End Times has been changed. It was originally set for a release on 16th January 2023 on TBS.

There is no official statement (yet) but the official Facebook page has changed the profile banner to a photo with the text Coming Soon. The official profile on Twitter recently replied to someone with "A new date will be announced soon, stay tuned!"

So sadly that means that we can only wait for now.

Update: 15th January 2023. Revolve Agency, who created the TV spots for the show, has shared that the premiere date is now 27th January 2023. Plus I did spot Daniel's girlfriend Erin Darke in one of the spots so she joins the cast again this season.
Update: 17th January 2023. The agency has removed the post. There is now a message on the official social media accounts from Miracle Workers linking to an article from Vulture. Looks like we might need to wait a bit longer afterall. Their text: "Have no fear, Miracle Workers: End Times is still coming! Just… not quite yet. We’ll be back with a new premiere date ASAP. We promise it’s worth the wait!"

Talking about the show, you could have missed some behind the scenes videos on Facebook: video 1 / video 2 / video 3.

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