February 2022 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


First look at WEIRD: The Al Yankovic Story

Marion 22 February 2022 0 permalink
First look at WEIRD: The Al Yankovic Story

An exclusive first look at WEIRD: The Al Yankovic Story. Daniel transforms into “Weird Al” Yankovic for The Roku Channel.

The first official photo has been released by Roku. A statement from Daniel:
"Wearing the Hawaiian shirt is a huge responsibility that I don't take lightly and I'm honored to finally share with the world the absolutely 100 percent unassailably true story of Weird Al's depraved and scandalous life."

Al himself also shared the photo on Twitter adding the following:
"SHOOT DAY #8: It never fails - we’re trying to shoot a movie here, and this cosplayer weirdo tries to crash our set. Ugh! I mean, I love my fans, but… boundaries, people! Don’t worry, we had security throw him out."

Updated: First on set photos from WEIRD: The Al Yankovic Story

Marion 18 February 2022 0 permalink
Updated: First on set photos from WEIRD: The Al Yankovic Story
Principal photography for WEIRD: The Al Yankovic Story began last week and the first on set photos of Daniel as “Weird Al”, also with face mask, have appeared online. The biopic was announced exactly a month ago.

8th March 2022. I have added a few more photos.

Photos: BSR Agency

Throwback: Attitude magazine (2013)

Marion 18 February 2022 0 permalink
Throwback: Attitude magazine (2013)

Updated: The Lost City NL TV Spot

Marion 15 February 2022 0 permalink
Updated: The Lost City NL TV Spot

Paramount Pictures heeft de volgende Big Game TV Spot voor The Lost City gedeeld op Facebook. Wel apart dat nu alleen 'binnenkort in de bioscoop' wordt vermeld.

Update: 18 februari 2022. Er is ook een versie met ondertiteling.

Dit bericht is ook gedeeld op Facebook.

Harry Potter Throwback

Marion 12 February 2022 0 permalink
Harry Potter Throwback

The Lost City UK TV spot / release date one week earlier

Marion 10 February 2022 0 permalink
The Lost City UK TV spot / release date one week earlier

Paramount Pictures has released a TV spot for The Lost City.

It brings good news for the UK because according to the footage the release date has been changed (again) to 15th April, a week earlier than 22nd April 2022.

The Lost City US TV spot

Marion 10 February 2022 0 permalink
The Lost City US TV spot

TV spot for The Lost City released by Paramount Pictures. The new spot will air during the pre-game show for the upcoming Super Bowl this Sunday 13th February.

The Lost City to premiere at SXSW Film Festival

Marion 2 February 2022 0 permalink
The Lost City to premiere at SXSW Film Festival
The Lost City will premiere at the SXSW Film Festival (Austin, Texas), that is just announced via the film's social media accounts. The festival runs from 11-20th March 2022.

The world premiere takes place on 12th March 2022 according to the schedule.

HBO Max komt 8 maart naar Nederland

Marion 1 February 2022 0 permalink
HBO Max komt 8 maart naar Nederland

Het nieuws is naar buiten gebracht: HBO Max zal beschikbaar zijn vanaf 8 maart 2022. Dat betekent dat de HBO Max special Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts eindelijkin Nederland te bekijken zal zijn. Begin januari, net na de Amerikaanse release, werd al bekend dat HBO Max de reünie (een HBO Max Original) bewust niet aan Nederlandse tv-zenders had verkocht.

Ook de Harry Potter films zitten in het aanbod. Alle Warner Bros. films die in de toekomst in de bioscoop zullen verschijnen, zullen al 45 dagen na bioscooprelease beschikbaar zijn (HBO Max is een WarnerMedia bedrijf).

De streamingdienst zal beschikbaar zijn via verschillende apparaten en platformen waaronder smart TV’s, streamingapparaten, game consoles, mobiele telefoons en tablets maar ook online via de website: hbomax.com/nl/nl. Hoeveel een maandabonnement gaat kosten is nog niet bekend en wordt dichterbij de lancering bekend gemaakt.

bron: HBO Max Nederland
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