The New York Times: 20 years of Harry Potter - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


The New York Times: 20 years of Harry Potter

20 years later: In separate interviews with The New York Times, Daniel Radcliffe and director Chris Columbus recalled what it took to shoot four key scenes of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  Daniel's (video) interview took place in October in New York.

About no longer being embarrassed by some of the scenes the way he was in his late teens: “Now I’m able to look back and go, ‘OK, you were a kid, it’s fine,’” he said, laughing. “It’s still a lovely memory.”

A version of the interview appears in the print magazine on 14th November 2021, Section AR, Page 12 of the New York edition with the headline: The ‘Harry Potter’ That Started It All.

Read it here: source:
Photo: Warner Bros.

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