Daniel was among the first to pay tribute. A journalist for Metro.co.uk shared Daniel's statement released by his publicist on Twitter.
Update: 17th April 2021. The statement is now also online on his official website.
"I truly couldn't believe this news when I heard it. Helen was one of the most incredible actors I got to work with on the Harry Potter films. She was effortlessly commanding and captivating as an actor, as well as being kind, generous, and incredibly good fun as a person. Also, as it happens, she's one of the absolute coolest people I've ever met, in that I can't ever imagine her being flustered or nervous, she always seemed totally assured of who she was and what she was doing. She was a supreme talent and a wonderful person and will be very greatly missed."Back in 2011 Helen called Daniel the "ambassador" of the Harry Potter series (Parade magazine).
"It's sad that it's coming to an end. I enjoyed it so much. I felt very welcomed as soon as I came on set by the crew and the cast alike - particularly by Daniel Radcliffe. You feel he's the ambassador to the embassy that you're joining. He really welcomes you on and introduces you to everybody and is a real gentleman,"source: metro.co.uk
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