The South African interview - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


The South African interview

TNT Africa will launch its first TNT Original production from the brand-new movies slate. They start with Escape from Pretoria on Saturday 4th July.

Tom Head from The South African interviewed Daniel about the film.

On the South African accent:

“I have a very specific way of doing accents. If you saw my notes, they’d look stupid… But I go through the script and write my lines out phonetically. Then I get someone with a South African accent to read those lines back to me while we go through the dialogue. I then have to work out how that sounds for me, and how I can recreate that noise.”

“Then it’s a matter of time and practice. Plus, Tim’s accent is quite Anglican so it wasn’t a big transition. But I would still rather do South African over Israeli any day. Now that was tough… But for Escape From Pretoria, I did have to rely on my accent coach [Jenny], because I would not have been able to do this film otherwise!”


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