Updated(5): Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt press junket interviews (US) - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated(5): Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt press junket interviews (US)

Press junket interviews for the Netflix interactive special Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend. This time right from Daniel's home in New York because of the coronavirus pandemic. So the interviews took place via Zoom. Here's a photo from Shilow. The special arrives on Netflix on 12th May.

If more interviews appear online I'll add them, so make sure to check back here.

Update: 5th May 2020. Etalk.
Update: 6th May 2020. AP Entertainment and ET Canada. Plus a clip from Spanish Agency EFE. Interview here.
Update: 7th May 2020. DcFilmgirl and People Now.
Update: 12th May 2020. TV Guide, King 5 Evening and ET (Entertainment Tonight) Online.
Update: 15th May 2020. Fox 6 News and We Are Channel Q's Let's Go There - iTunes.

ET Online

TV Guide


People Now

Etalk -
Did Daniel Radcliffe take inspiration for new prince role from Harry? Full interview here.

This video is also shared on Facebook.

Jake Hamilton

Kim Holcomb

Manny The Movie Guy

King 5 Evening

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