May 2020 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Unpublished Harry Potter artwork by Drew Struzan

Marion 31 May 2020 0 permalink
Unpublished Harry Potter artwork by Drew Struzan
Artist Drew Struzan shared a tweet online regarding the artwork for Harry Potter he created. He finished artwork for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets but that one was never used. Warner Bros. went from the illustrated poster for the first film to photography-based posters for the rest of the series.

The artwork is amazing and that's why I wanted to share it here too.

Photo: Facebook/The Owl magazine

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Giphy and more

Marion 29 May 2020 0 permalink
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Giphy and more
An update on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend. You could have missed the video called 'Frederick's jumpy bumpy best bits' which you can watch below. Netflix also released a 'behind the Interactive Special' video.

Plus there are also Tenor gifs via the official page. (the Giphy page seems to be deleted).

This video is also shared on Facebook.

MTV: Happy Sad Confused podcast

Marion 27 May 2020 0 permalink
MTV: Happy Sad Confused podcast
Daniel on the MTV podcast Happy Sad Confused with Josh Horowitz. He talks about the podcast Cunning Stunts and more including what he watched while being in quarantine (and he is still busy with Lego as well).

Listen to it below or via iTunes. Interview starts at 11:30

If you were given a hundred guesses as to what Daniel Radcliffe's comfort movie might be, "Get Over It" probably wouldn't make the cut but there it is! Join Josh and Daniel for this deep dive into the 2001 teen comedy, plus Daniel talks for the first time about his new podcast, "Cunning Stunts"!

The Boo Crew podcast

Marion 26 May 2020 0 permalink
The Boo Crew podcast
The Boo Crew is Bloody Disgusting's podcast. And they interviewed Daniel in their latest episode, number 130.

You can listen to it via iTunes or below. They discussed his horror projects The Woman in Black, Horns, Victor Frankenstein and more.

Interview starts at 19:20

He’ll tell you about his favorite horror films! Find out what he kept from the set of the Potter movies! Revisit his incredible career in horror and genre, working with greats like Alex Aja, James Watkins and more, plus the scoop on his new interactive Netflix special, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt : Kimmy Vs The Reverend!

Cunning Stunts podcast

Marion 24 May 2020 0 permalink
Cunning Stunts podcast

Former Stunt performer David Holmes has started a podcast series named Cunning Stunts to highlight and pay tribute to the amazing work that stunt coordinators and performers do whilst on set. Back in 2009, at the age of 25 David was left paralysed after an accident on set whilst rehearsing a stunt for the final movie. He was the stunt double for Daniel in the Harry Potter series.

Daniel occasionally joined most of the episodes (recorded in 2017/2019). You can listen via iTunes or below. (Start: 24th May 2020 - End: 20th March 2021).
One quick note, the voice you will hear occasionally is Dan Radcliffe, one of my best friends and acting double on the Harry Potter films. He’s been sitting in on some of these interviews.

Escape from Pretoria on VoD in Australia

Marion 22 May 2020 0 permalink
Escape from Pretoria on VoD in Australia

Escape from Pretoria
has been released straight on Video on Demand in Australia because of the coronavirus pandemic. Universal Pictures announced that the film is available to rent at home on Apple TV, Fetch, Foxtel, Google Play, PlayStation Store and Microsoft Store now, 22nd May 2020. Escape from Pretoria is filmed in Adelaide, South Australia.

Adam Tuominen shared the following video today (a video message for his best friend) and check this photo).

This video is also shared on Facebook.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt gag reel

Marion 20 May 2020 0 permalink
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt gag reel
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend gag reel.

This video is also shared on Facebook.

Daniel Radcliffe and Ellie Kemper on Watch What Happens Live

Marion 19 May 2020 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe and Ellie Kemper on Watch What Happens Live
Daniel and Ellie Kemper promoting the Interactive Netflix Special Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend on Watch What Happens Live, at home edition (because of the coronavirus pandemic). It was possible to send in your questions via Facebook.

Kimmy vs. The Music: A live singing contest

Marion 15 May 2020 0 permalink
Kimmy vs. The Music: A live singing contest
The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Kimmy vs. The Music: A Live singing contest (as announced) was broadcast on Netflix's YouTube yesterday, 14th May. That was at 2am for me in Holland.

A select few of the entries made it to the final round to arrive before the panel of judges (the cast and producers: Ellie Kemper, Tituss Burgess, Jane Krakowski, Daniel Radcliffe, Tina Freaking Fey and more) over video because of the coronavirus pandemic. It was followed by a Q&A.

They raised funds for at the same time.

Mashable interview

Marion 13 May 2020 0 permalink
Mashable interview
Mashable's interview with the cast of the Interactive Netflix Special Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend. Recorded at home because of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Skimm interview

Marion 13 May 2020 0 permalink
The Skimm interview
The Skimm (known as theSkimm) interview via Zoom because of the coronavirus pandemic. He reveals how he is keeping busy while social distancing and more. In promotion of the Interactive Netflix Special Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend.

Texting with Daniel Radcliffe

This video is also shared on Facebook.

The New Yorker: Daniel Radcliffe and Ellie Kemper enter The New Yorker's cartoon caption contest

Marion 12 May 2020 0 permalink
The New Yorker: Daniel Radcliffe and Ellie Kemper enter The New Yorker's cartoon caption contest
A new video from The New Yorker in promotion of the Interactive Netflix Special Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend. Daniel and Ellie Kemper team up to tackle The New Yorker’s cartoon caption contest while being at home because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Cosmopolitan magazine interview (US)

Marion 12 May 2020 0 permalink
Cosmopolitan magazine interview (US)
Short 'In my Nightstand' interview from Cosmopolitan magazine's May issue. In promotion of the Interactive Netflix Special Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend.

See it here.

More Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt interviews

Marion 12 May 2020 0 permalink
More Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt interviews
More promotional interviews for the Netflix Special Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend.

Bustle - How Kimmy and Frederick met

more at

BuzzFeed: Thirst tweets with Daniel Radcliffe *from home

Marion 11 May 2020 0 permalink
BuzzFeed: Thirst tweets with Daniel Radcliffe  *from home
A new video shared by BuzzFeed. Daniel Radcliffe reads thirst tweets about himself. It's recorded at his home in New York via Zoom because of the coronavirus pandemic. In promotion of the Interactive Netflix Special Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend.

Giphy (one of the gifs):

Daniel Radcliffe on Live with Kelly and Ryan

Marion 11 May 2020 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on Live with Kelly and Ryan
Daniel promoting the Interactive Netflix Special Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend on Live with Kelly and Ryan. The interview took place via Skype because of the coronavirus pandemic. He talks about being in isolation as well.

Daniel Radcliffe is keeping busy with Lego during quarantine

Playmobil: The Movie - Voice recording

Marion 9 May 2020 0 permalink
Playmobil: The Movie - Voice recording
A look look behind the scenes: Playmobil: The Movie (플레이모빌: 더 무비) voice recording clip via the Korean distributor. The film was released in Korea on 11th September 2019.

Escape from Pretoria interview

Marion 9 May 2020 0 permalink
Escape from Pretoria interview

Escape from Pretoria interview with the cast and the real Tim Jenkin.


Edit: Another video (Korea) since the one above is deleted.

Daniel Radcliffe and Jane Krakowski on The Kelly Clarkson Show

Marion 7 May 2020 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe and Jane Krakowski on The Kelly Clarkson Show
Daniel promoting the Interactive Netflix Special Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend together with co-star Jane Krakowski on The Kelly Clarkson Show. The interview took place via Zoom because we still have to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Quaran-Twitter Questionnaire


Updated: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Daniel Radcliffe reads Titus lines

Marion 6 May 2020 0 permalink
Updated: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Daniel Radcliffe reads Titus lines
A video in promotion of the interactive special Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend shared by Netflix. Daniel reads iconic lines from Titus Burgess' finest moments in the previous seasons of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

Update: 29th May 2020. A look behind the scenes.

The Old Vic: Daniel Radcliffe's message

Marion 5 May 2020 0 permalink
The Old Vic: Daniel Radcliffe's message
Daniel Radcliffe asks to help The Old Vic Theatre in any way possible. The Old Vic is an independent theatre and they don't get regular public subsidy. To make a donation visit

'Giving Tuesday' video message

This video is also shared on Facebook.

Harry Potter At Home: Daniel Radcliffe reads the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Marion 5 May 2020 1 permalink
Harry Potter At Home: Daniel Radcliffe reads the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
At the beginning of April, J.K. Rowling introduced (together with Audible, Bloomsbury, OverDrive, Pottermore Publishing and Scholastic) Harry Potter At Home to help children, parents, carers and teachers add a touch of Harry Potter magic to our new daily lives having to stay home and deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Today they have announced that they have famous faces and friends who each take turns reading chapters from the first Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (that's Sorcerer's Stone for the US). And (what a surprise!) they kick off Chapter One: ‘The Boy Who Lived’ with a very familiair face.

Watch the video below. You can also listen to the chapter ‘The Boy Who Lived’ on Spotify if you prefer an audio-only version. For the audiobook, which is now available for free, visit

Sadly it seems they took the full video is Daniel reading the chapter down. :(

Campaign introduction


HBO First Look Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Marion 4 May 2020 0 permalink
HBO First Look Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
HBO First Look Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets aired back in November 2002. Warner Bros. has now released the video online.

Harry Potter Wizard's Collection: Quidditch

Marion 4 May 2020 0 permalink
Harry Potter Wizard's Collection: Quidditch

Back in 2012 Warner Bros. shared a behind the scenes look at Quidditch in promotion of the Harry Potter Wizard's collection. More footage has been released now.

Updated(5): Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt press junket interviews (US)

Marion 3 May 2020 0 permalink
Updated(5): Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt press junket interviews (US)
Press junket interviews for the Netflix interactive special Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend. This time right from Daniel's home in New York because of the coronavirus pandemic. So the interviews took place via Zoom. Here's a photo from Shilow. The special arrives on Netflix on 12th May.

If more interviews appear online I'll add them, so make sure to check back here.

Update: 5th May 2020. Etalk.
Update: 6th May 2020. AP Entertainment and ET Canada. Plus a clip from Spanish Agency EFE. Interview here.
Update: 7th May 2020. DcFilmgirl and People Now.
Update: 12th May 2020. TV Guide, King 5 Evening and ET (Entertainment Tonight) Online.
Update: 15th May 2020. Fox 6 News and We Are Channel Q's Let's Go There - iTunes.
TV Guide

A Throwback Thursday photo - Harry Potter

Marion 2 May 2020 0 permalink
A Throwback Thursday photo - Harry Potter
It's not Thursday today but I missed this post earlier this week so I share it now. A Throwback Thursday photo via the official Harry Potter Twitter page. A behind the scenes look at filming the final scenes of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

Updated: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt promotional photos

Marion 1 May 2020 1 permalink
Updated: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt promotional photos
Promotional photos for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend released.  See them at

HLN interview met Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 1 May 2020 0 permalink
HLN interview met Daniel Radcliffe
Het Laatste Nieuws (HLN) uit België sprak met Daniel via Skype over de coronavirus lockdown in New York. Over Lego bouwen en meer. Interview door Kristien Morato. Lees meer op

Of hij na zes weken quarantaine nog niet stilaan tegen de muren begint op te lopen
“Als er één ding is dat ik van deze pandemie heb geleerd, dan is het wel dat ik perfect 23 uur per dag op mijn appartement kan zitten”

“Ik heb absoluut niks te klagen, want nu krijg ik Erin eindelijk nog eens voor lange tijd te zien. We hebben ook nog eens het ‘geluk’ dat we geen kinderen hebben, zodat we geen oppas hoeven te spelen of les moeten geven. Het feit dat we geen verantwoordelijkheden hebben, maakt een wereld van verschil.”
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