Vulture: Daniel Radcliffe and Erin Darke on being the first celebrity coronavirus hoax - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Vulture: Daniel Radcliffe and Erin Darke on being the first celebrity coronavirus hoax

Vulture was interested in hearing more about the coronavirus hoax that started on Twitter a few weeks ago so Vulture spoke to Daniel and Erin Darke on the phone. I have added a part of the interview below, visit for more.

Where are you guys holed up?
Erin Darke: We’re in New York, at Daniel’s apartment. We decided to be super-responsible and self-quarantine so we haven’t stepped out of the apartment in … 11 days?
Radcliffe: We gotta cross that off.

Are you keeping a log?
Radcliffe: We have a little Post-It on the wall that we’re keeping a tally on. There was something about it that just made me laugh, immediately treating it like a prison film. We’re both in the situation where we’ve never been more grateful not to have a kid, or more annoyed that we don’t have a dog. But generally speaking, compared to a lot of people, we are very, very much okay.

Daniel, where were you when you first heard that you had coronavirus?
I was doing a play in London, which obviously had to finish a little early, but at the time we were still doing it. The London theaters carried a week or so longer than most other plays. We’d done the matinee and I went into hair and makeup for the evening show, and the hair and makeup artist, a lovely guy called Rob, turned around with a sort of knowing smile, and he was like, “You’ve got coronavirus.” I was like, “What?! I’m sure I don’t. I just did a play.” And he said, “Yeah, my niece just texted me. She said, ‘Oh, yeah, that dude’s got coronavirus.’” It was very much like, “Watch yourself. I don’t know if you should work with this guy. He’s got coronavirus.”

So I was immediately like, quite amused by it. It’s not the first time I’ve had something crazy written about me. I don’t ever think there’s been a rumor about me that was so topical, that was pivoting off the news. Most of it before has been random stuff that British newspapers have said. So this one was slightly odd. But then you end up having to text a bunch of people saying, “No, I don’t have coronavirus, I’m fine.”


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