Guns Akimbo: US DVD artwork - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Guns Akimbo: US DVD artwork

Guns Akimbo will be released on DVD and Blu-ray (plus digital) in the US on 28th April 2020 by Lionsgate Home Entertainment. Special features include audio commentary with writer-director Jason Lei Howden; the “Welcome to SKIZM” featurette; and the “Nix vs. Dane Stunt Sequence Exploration” featurette.

The artwork:

Miles (Daniel Radcliffe) nerdy existence changes dramatically when he inadvertently gets caught up with SKIZM, an underground gang hosting real-life death matches that are broadcast online. Miles excels at running away from everything, but that won’t help him outlast Nix, a crazy psychopathic killer at the top of her game.

Photos: Lionsgate

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