Updated: Daniel Radcliffe at The Old Vic - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: Daniel Radcliffe at The Old Vic

An update regarding Daniel meeting fans at The Old Vic Theatre in London (and taking selfies) after performing as Clov in Endgame. Here's a Harry Potter related photo. Daniel recorded a video message for actress Sanya Malhotra. Oh and click here. World Book Day: Heathfield school has a signed copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

1) The Twin Town Challenge. Shared by Stef on Facebook

There is a fundraising page in relation to the Twin Town Challenge (justgiving.com) to raise money for SpecialEffect. The charity seeks to enable more people with disabilities to experience fun and freedom through cutting-edge technology. Thanks Stefanie for the link.

2) Photo. Shared by John Cartwright

3) A video message for Sarah who has Acute Myeloid Leukemia and is undergoing chemotherapy.

This video is also shared on Facebook.

Update: 13th July 2020. North Central Drama video (#GETit)

This video is also shared on Facebook.

4) More photos. Via Flickr:

Daniel RadcliffeDaniel RadcliffeDaniel RadcliffeDaniel RadcliffeDaniel RadcliffeDaniel RadcliffeDaniel RadcliffeDaniel RadcliffeDaniel Radcliffe

Photo: The Old Vic Theatre (Dare Always Dare)

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