February 2020 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 6's Radcliffe and Maconie

Marion 29 February 2020 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 6's Radcliffe and Maconie
Radcliffe and Radcliffe! Daniel talked about Escape from Pretoria with Mark Radcliffe on BBC Radio 6's Radcliffe and Maconie. The interview aired this morning but was already recorded back in January.

If you missed it you can listen to it via BBC Sounds (until 29 days after the broadcast). The interview starts around 02:37:33. Daniel also picked a song for the show, one by The Thermals.

source: bbc.com

The Huffington Post and Variety interview

Marion 28 February 2020 0 permalink
The Huffington Post and Variety interview
Two new interviews which you could have missed: The Huffington Post and Variety.

A quote via The Huffington Post:
“My entire life and career is built on luck and privilege,” he said. “It’s just sort of allowed to be the case. I definitely don’t want people to think I got anywhere because I just worked really hard. Anyone who’s successful in anything, for the most part ― even if you did work really hard, which I’m sure people did ― there’s still a massive amount of luck involved. I mean, my life is an insane example of a place of luck.”

“I got incredibly lucky when I was 10 or 11 and then that afforded me opportunities that I would unquestionably not have been afforded had I not had that stroke of luck,” Radcliffe said. “When I was 17, I was in the West End. There’s very few people that go from having never done a play to doing a play in the West End.”

With Variety he discussed Escape from Pretoria why he won't play Harry Potter again.

Would you return as Harry Potter in the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them films?
I don’t think so. I don’t like say no to things, but it’s not something that I’m rushing to do. I feel like those films have moved on and they’re doing just fine without us. I’m happy to keep it that way. I like what my life is now. I’m not saying that I’ll never go back into any franchise, but I like the flexibility that I have with my career now. And I don’t want to get into a situation where I’m signed up for one series for years in advance

Pairie Dog magazine (Canada)

Marion 27 February 2020 0 permalink
Pairie Dog magazine (Canada)
Prairie Dog magazine attended the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) press conference last September. Below their questions for Daniel and Samara Weaving regarding Guns Akimbo. The new issue is out now. Click here to view the cover.

You can also read the magazine's print version online.

Have you found yourself going down the rabbit hole of dealing with trolls?
Weaving: I make a conscious choice to not look at comments or read reviews. If I rely too heavily on them for my own satisfaction, it would cause more harm than good.
Radcliffe: It’s not a huge moral stance. I think I would be too emotional about it. Years ago, during my late teens, early twenties, I did spend a lot of time reading comments and it’s not a good thing to do for your mental health.

What kind of emotions did those comments trigger?
Radcliffe: It wasn’t anger, it made me sad. Not going to tell you what specifically — it’s all still there — but you only get upset by the things you believe at some level are true. Self-harmony is a very serious issue and I don’t want to make light of it, but I think there’s a masochistic tendency in reading stuff about yourself that becomes addictive. It’s a cycle you have to break.

How long did it take to get those guns bolted to your hands?
Radcliffe: The guns themselves were very quick, strapped on over the arms. The bolts were obviously make-up — they took about two hours the first day and an hour by the time we finished. I could put my pants by myself. Couldn’t button them though.

What do you find artistically satisfying about working in genre films?
Radcliffe: That’s the thing. I forget that I keep picking genre movies, and then everyone’s like “you did another one!” There’s something fun about making films that aren’t naturalistic. If you can justify it enough in the story, you can do the craziest stuff. There’s a weird magic realism, modern fairy tale tone to this, Horns and Swiss Army Man. A very dark fairy tale. But most fairy tales were very dark.

source: prairiedogmag.com

Daniel Radcliffe on Smooth Radio

Marion 26 February 2020 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on Smooth Radio
Smooth Radio interview with Daniel in promotion of Escape from Pretoria, recorded ealier this month. He talks about biopics, his admiration for Dolly Parton, Miracle Workers ("The second series has just come out in the US. The first series is on Sky Comedy here. It’s very funny. My very quick pitch for the series is that Steve Buscemi plays God") and more.

Update: 31st August 2020. Photos shared by Rory O'Connor on Instagram.

He would love to star in a biopic about a musical artist – but who would he play?

“Boy George – that’s an interesting life as well. And so is George Michael’s, I’m sure.

Via Myleene Klass' Instagram:

source: smoothradio.com

Entertainment Weekly interview

Marion 26 February 2020 0 permalink
Entertainment Weekly interview
Entertainment Weekly (EW) interview with Daniel in promotion of Guns Akimbo.

What made you want to be part of this movie when you first read it?
Scripts don’t always come with a log line and this was one of those where I was like immediately like, okay, interesting and then thought, how thoroughly has this premise being explored? When I started reading I was like, oh good, very throughly. Page 10 of the script is around when he gets the guns bolted onto his hands and then the sequence of the next few scenes is him trying to get dressed, trying to get out of the apartment and going to the toilet. Honestly, at that point of reading, I was pretty much like, I’m probably going to do this movie. I enjoyed the fact that it was clearly going somewhere very dark and cartoonish-ly violent, but also not taking itself super seriously and being willing to explore just the mundane physical comedy of what the potential day-to-day life of someone who had guns for hands would be like. So I was really taken with the script immediately and then I talked to Jason (Lei Howden) on Skype about it and his enthusiasm for it. I love working on these kinds of films. I did a lot of stunts and things during the Potter movies, but not a lot of the roles I’ve done since then have really called for very much of that, so I really enjoy that stuff. This just looked like it would be really, really fun — and it was. Anytime I read a script and there’s a really original voice coming through, that’s when I get the most excited.

Unbidden - portraits in the wings by Francis Hills

Marion 25 February 2020 0 permalink
Unbidden - portraits in the wings by Francis Hills
Photographer Francis Hills took photos of Endgame at the Old Vic Theatre in London last week for his project called Unbidden - portraits in the wings. The project will be exhibited and a book is planned with proceeds going to The Actors Fund.⁣ ⁣⁣Photos featuring Daniel and the rest of the cast are shared on Instagram.
"I’m photographing performers standing in the wings (or wherever they happen to be before they go on stage) capturing that moment of preparation before they face their audience".

Endgame: The Old Vic Theatre Instagram

Marion 24 February 2020 0 permalink
Endgame: The Old Vic Theatre Instagram

Endgame Post-show debrief from The Old Vic Theatre's Instagram Stories plus the Instagram filter called Which Disney Are You?

Escape from Pretoria stills

Marion 23 February 2020 0 permalink
Escape from Pretoria stills
A lot more Escape from Pretoria stills including some with thanks to Signature Entertainment for sending them.

Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 5's Laura Whitmore, with Rick Edwards

Marion 23 February 2020 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 5's Laura Whitmore, with Rick Edwards
Daniel talked about Escape from Pretoria, Endgame and more on BBC Radio 5's Laura Whitmore this morning. Rick Edwards sits in for Laura. The interview was already recorded earlier this month. If you missed it you can listen to it via BBC Sounds. (available until 29 days after the broadcast). There's a photo shared on Instagram.

The lyric I live for: his answer was a lyric from Tom Lehrer (at 24:30). The interview with Daniel, from the "Under The Spotlight" section starts around 37:35.

We Will All Go Together When We Go

"You will all go directly to your respective Valhallas. Go directly, do not pass 'GO', do not collect two hundred dollars"

source: bbc.co.uk

Updated(2): #VKLive: Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 21 February 2020 0 permalink
Updated(2): #VKLive: Daniel Radcliffe
An exclusive Guns Akimbo (Пушки Акимбо) interview with Daniel aired live on Russian social media website vk.com (a.k.a. VKontakte) yesterday. It is part of the #VKLive project. The length is more than an hour!. Photos are below. There are also photos by photographer Aleksandra Pavliuscenko.

Guns Akimbo will be released in Russia on 27th February 2020.

Update: 27th February 2020. As mentioned in the video below. There is a caption contest set up by Cascade Film. It starts today and you can win Tiger slippers (the ones as seen in the movie) signed by Daniel. More info. The winner will be announced on 2nd March 2020.
Update: English version with thanks to Susanne.
Update: 14th March 2020. Intro used by another TV show regarding Saint Petersburg.

Full interview below. (it's dubbed sadly)

Clip - Daniel trying to speak Russian.
Photos shared by Zera Chereshneva (source: Facebook) A few more here.

Updated: BBC News: Daniel Radcliffe on the 'genius' story he felt had to be told

Marion 21 February 2020 0 permalink
Updated: BBC News: Daniel Radcliffe on the 'genius' story he felt had to be told
BBC News interview with Daniel, Tim Jenkin and director Francis Annan in promotion of Escape from Pretoria. With thanks to Marek from Signature Entertainment for sending over the link. There are two photos shared by Kasia Madera on Facebook.

Update: 21st June 2021. More photos via Kasia Madera on Facebook.

Escape from Pretoria is out in UK Cinemas and Digital on 6th March.

Guns Akimbo NL 20s trailer

Marion 20 February 2020 0 permalink
Guns Akimbo NL 20s trailer
Een 20 seconden trailer voor Guns Akimbo geüpload door distributeur Gusto Entertainment. Vanaf 5 maart in de bioscoop.

First clips for Guns Akimbo

Marion 20 February 2020 0 permalink
First clips for Guns Akimbo
Guns Akimbo clips.

Stop Shooting at me!

Escape from Pretoria clip with introduction from Daniel

Marion 20 February 2020 0 permalink
Escape from Pretoria clip with introduction from Daniel

Coming Soon: Daniel Radcliffe clears up rumors about Moon Knight

Marion 19 February 2020 0 permalink
Coming Soon: Daniel Radcliffe clears up rumors about Moon Knight
Entertainment website We Got This Covered reported about 5 months ago that Daniel was being eyed for the role of Moon Knight for a Disney+ TV series. Today comingsoon.net shared exclusively that Daniel debunked those rumors.

He told Coming Soon (while doing promotion for Escape from Pretoria):
“If I was ever to go back into a franchise, I think the bar for that script would be even higher than anything else,” Radcliffe said. “Before you can sign on to being in anything for multiple years, you have to be sure you’re really going to love it all the time. I’m not averse to doing any kind of franchise thing in the future again, that could be fun. But the Moon Knight rumors are untrue, I can officially debunk that one, I haven’t heard anything about it.”
Personally I was hoping that the rumor was true. It sounds like an awesome role.

More about Moon Knight:

Moon Knight is the alter ego of Marc Spector, a Jewish-American rabbi’s son who grew up to become a heavyweight boxer and then a U.S. Marine.

Spector, a mercenary who has numerous alter egos such as cabbie Jake Lockley and millionaire playboy Steven Grant, in order to better fight the criminal underworld. But later he was established as being a conduit for the Egyptian moon god Khonshu after being left for dead on a mission in Egypt. Most recently, he was a consultant who dresses in all-white and goes by the name Mr. Knight.

source: comingsoon.net

It's Okay Not To Be Okay campaign

Marion 18 February 2020 0 permalink
It's Okay Not To Be Okay campaign
Daniel supports the It's Okay Not To Be Okay mental health awareness campaign set up by Tony Wilsher. Below you find the video message he received from Daniel.

You can also help this campaign by posting a video saying it’s okay not to be okay. For more info visit IOKN2BOK on Facebook.

Daniel Radcliffe attends Escape from Pretoria Curzon Soho Q&A

Marion 17 February 2020 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe attends Escape from Pretoria Curzon Soho Q&A
Daniel attended a special private screening of Escape from Pretoria with Q&A at the Curzon Soho in London yesterday. Ofcourse with director Francis Annan, Tim Jenkin and co-stars. You can view some photos below. You can also find a few more on Facebook via Signature Entertainment. Some Q&A photos are right here and there is a selfie shared by Francis Annan here.

Photos: Getty Images

Escape from Pretoria: Giphy and more

Marion 16 February 2020 0 permalink
Escape from Pretoria: Giphy and more

People magazine interview (US)

Marion 12 February 2020 0 permalink
People magazine interview (US)

Update: Harry Potter missie: 107 handtekeningen in Harry Potter boek

Marion 10 February 2020 0 permalink
Update: Harry Potter missie: 107 handtekeningen in Harry Potter boek
Dieter Vanderheeren en Bart Meese van Road to Rowling uit België hebben een missie: In twee jaar tijd 107 handtekeningen verzamelen (inclusief die van J.K. Rowling zelf natuurlijk) in een Engelstalige druk van Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen voor het goede doel: Het gesigneerde boek zal worden geveild voor Make-A-Wish.

Afgelopen weekend hebben ze Daniel's handtekening gescoord na de voorstelling van Endgame in The Old Vic in Londen. Zie de foto hieronder.

Ik wens ze veel succes, hopelijk lukt het! Het schiet al mooi op. Nog 86 te gaan. (Een update zal volgen als dit is bereikt).

Update: 18 juli 2020. Video.

Updated: Endgame opening night - after party

Marion 5 February 2020 0 permalink
Updated: Endgame opening night - after party
Yesterday was Endgame's opening (press) night at The Old Vic Theatre and after party at Sea Containers. London Evening Standard article: Daniel Radcliffe: 'It took guts to learn circus skills for Endgame'. I have added a selection of photos below. You find more photos (by Dan Wooller) at whatsonstage.com.

Update: 14th February 2020. A video via The Old Vic Theatre on social media.

This video is also shared on Facebook.

Photos: Getty Images

Miracle Workers: Dark Ages promo

Marion 4 February 2020 0 permalink
Miracle Workers: Dark Ages promo
A promotional video for Miracle Workers: Dark Ages (series 2) called Good Morning Lower Murkford.

Endgame production photos

Marion 4 February 2020 0 permalink
Endgame production photos
Endgame production photos have been released. Below you find photos, more on Facebook. Opening night tonight at The Old Vic Theatre.

Endgame is presented in a double bill with Samuel Beckett's rarely seen short play Rough for Theatre II.

Alan Cumming's Instagram posts

Marion 3 February 2020 0 permalink
Alan Cumming's Instagram posts

Here's an update on Alan Cumming's Instagram posts regarding Endgame at The Old Vic Theatre in London. You also could have missed this Disney Instagram story. When more appear I'll add them.

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