Entertainment Weekly interview - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Entertainment Weekly interview

Entertainment Weekly (EW) interview in promotion of Miracle Workers: Dark Ages (series 2). The show premieres tonight on TBS.

When you signed on to the first season of Miracle Workers, there was always the plan to make it an anthology series. How did Simon decide on this Dark Ages setting and story line?

Simon is somebody who is a bit of a history nerd, and Simon’s brain looked at a lot of the potential situations in that world and just saw something he could make very, very funny. There is some stuff in the show that is really obviously heightened, that is very crazy, but it’s not that far off from the kind of stuff that was going on in medieval Europe. We have a goat on trial, and that is actually something that is completely true and something that happened with semi-regularity in medieval Europe. There really were animals put on trial for things, so it’s quite rich pickings for comedy.

Read more at ew.com

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