Eleanor Stollery meets Daniel Radcliffe - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Eleanor Stollery meets Daniel Radcliffe

Tim Stollery & Kelly Gurney, parents of Eleanor Stollery, shared this photo on Facebook. Eleanor was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour otherwise known as a probable Hypothalamic Glioma (Pilocytic Astrocytoma). She has very limited vision, only shadows/light/dark.

Her parents created the page to raise more awareness around this condition. Their website is eleanorsvoice.com.

She met Daniel at The Old Vic Theatre in London where she plays Tiny Tim (she shares the part with three other children) in the adaption of the Charles Dickens classic A Christmas Carol.

Picture description: Daniel Radcliffe and Eleanor are sitting together backstage at The Old Vic posing for a picture with huge smiles on their faces. Eleanor’s jumper reads “Believe in the Magic”.

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