November 2019 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Update(3): Dutch FilmWorks brengt Escape from Pretoria uit: releasedatum bekend

Marion 22 November 2019 0 permalink
Update(3): Dutch FilmWorks brengt Escape from Pretoria uit: releasedatum bekend
Escape from Pretoria komt volgend jaar in de Nederlandse bioscopen. Regisseur Francis Annan liet mij op Twitter al eerder deze maand weten dat er aan werd gewerkt (en er komt ook binnenkort een trailer).

Nu is ook duidelijk dat de release staat op 21 mei 2020. Distributeur is Dutch FilmWorks.

Update: 14 december 2019. De release datum is inmiddels veranderd naar 14 mei 2020. Met dank aan Pathé op Twitter voor de snelle reactie.
Toch weer een andere datum op de website van Pathé: 26 maart 2020.
Update: 2 februari 2020. 19 maart.

A Throwback Thursday photo - Harry Potter

Marion 21 November 2019 0 permalink
A Throwback Thursday photo - Harry Potter

Miracle Workers: Dark Ages teaser trailer

Marion 20 November 2019 0 permalink
Miracle Workers: Dark Ages teaser trailer
A teaser trailer has been released for series 2 of Miracle Workers which is called Miracle Workers: Dark Ages. The new series is set to debut 28th January 2020 at 10:30 PM ET/PT on TBS. Daniel plays the son of a king who likes to feed ducks in his spare time. Check also the Instagram Stories video from the official Instagram page below.

Daniel Radcliffe and Steve Buscemi welcome you to the Dark Ages.

From the press release:

Miracle Workers: Dark Ages centers upon a group of medieval villagers trying to stay positive in an age of extreme income inequality, poor healthcare, and widespread ignorance.

This 10-episode installment will feature Daniel Radcliffe, Steve Buscemi, Geraldine Viswanathan, Karan Soni, Jon Bass, and Lolly Adefope returning in new roles and facing new challenges.

Archive video: MTV News interview (2001)

Marion 16 November 2019 0 permalink
Archive video: MTV News interview (2001)

Archive video: E! News interview (2001)

Marion 16 November 2019 0 permalink
Archive video: E! News interview (2001)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was released in theaters 18 years ago today (in the US and UK). E! News has shared footage from their press junket interview from back in 2001.

DVD release voor Lost in London

Marion 14 November 2019 0 permalink
DVD release voor Lost in London
Woody Harrelson's Lost in London (2017) waarin Daniel een cameo rol heeft, is vanaf vandaag verkrijgbaar op DVD. De DVD is uitgebracht door Source 1 Media. O.a bij

Woody Harrelson woont in Londen. Hij heeft het moeilijk om naar huis te gaan en bij zijn familie te zijn. Hij heeft discussies met oude vrienden. De wet is hem ook niet gunstig gezind. Dat alles zorgt ervoor dat hij niet kan slagen in zijn leven. In de loop van een nacht met veel tegenspoed belandt hij tot overmaat van ramp ook nog in de gevangenis.

Lost in London is het eerste filmevent dat gelijktijdig gefilmd werd en te zien was in geselecteerde bioscopen over de hele wereld. Lost in London is een absurde reis door de straten van Londen die je van je stoel laat vallen van het lachen.

Updated: More Escape from Pretoria photos

Marion 13 November 2019 0 permalink
Updated: More Escape from Pretoria photos
Below you find Escape from Pretoria photos, including some behind the scenes via the (new) official Instagram page and Daniel Webber.

Then there are als a few photos shared via Twitter and Facebook which you could have missed: ADR (Additional Dialogue Recording), on set photo with Adam Tuominen, and an on set photo shared by Francis Annan.

Update: 28th March 2021. Another photo shared by Adam.

Through the looking glass on the #EscapefromPretoria set, with #DanielRadcliffe and @ratidzomambo #behindthescenes #actorslife #filmset

Blood, sweat and tears #escapefrompretoria #danielradcliffe #danielwebber #markleonardwinter #behindthescenes

Escape From Pretoria. 2020 #danielradcliffe #meme
Photo: Instagram/Daniel Webber

Saban Films acquired distribution rights to Guns Akimbo

Marion 9 November 2019 0 permalink
Saban Films acquired distribution rights to Guns Akimbo
Saban Films has acquired the North American rights to sci-fi thriller Guns Akimbo.
“With gaming on the rise, Guns Akimbo is a timely film that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats,” Saban Films President Bill Bromiley said in a statement announcing the deal. “Daniel is in a role you’ve never seen him in before. He and Samara shine throughout this thought-provoking take on the gaming industry’s future.”

AP Archive: On this day: 4th November 2001

Marion 4 November 2019 0 permalink
AP Archive: On this day: 4th November 2001
Via AP (Associated Press): On this day video featuring the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone premiere in London on 4th November 2001. 18 years ago today!

Physics World magazine interview

Marion 3 November 2019 0 permalink
Physics World magazine interview
I did already share on social media that there is an interview with Daniel in the new November issue of international Physics World magazine. You can read it below.

Daniel talks to physicist Jess Wade about working with visual effects (VFX).

You have been in a bunch of films that use VFX in the most progressive and creative ways. What was it like starting your acting career with the extraordinary VFX in the Harry Potter films [2001–2011]?
For some of the experienced actors on Potter, it was their first time working with VFX on that kind of scale. It was different for us kids. Telling us that “the dragon is this tennis ball on the end of the stick” is a little different from giving an older actor that instruction – we’d never known anything different. And we were all kids, so using our imagination was something that we were doing a lot anyway.

Has VFX changed how you act?

I don’t think so – it’s always been a big part of my career. I enjoy the challenge of it. I think I’m weirdly good at following numbered cues now. I remember when they shot all the audience reactions during the Tri-Wizard Tournament [in the fourth film, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)], and there would basically be a bunch of the cast and background artists on a big stand – sometimes on a green screen, depending on what the backdrop was. Assistant directors would hang big numbers around the studio and just say, for example, “1” so everyone would turn to the same eye line at the same time.

Read more here: Physics World app, with thanks to Daniel Radcliffe Germany
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