New project for Daniel Radcliffe: Samuel Beckett double bill - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


New project for Daniel Radcliffe: Samuel Beckett double bill

Back on the West End stage! Daniel will be back at the Old Vic in London from 27th January 2020. He will star in Samuel Beckett's macabre comedyEndgame and the rarely seen short play Rough for Theatre II. A double bill directed by Richard Jones. He will appear alongside Alan Cumming (who plays Hamm in Endgame) and has the role of Clov.

For more info and tickets: General booking starts Thursday 9th May 2019, 12 noon. The opening night will take place on Tuesday 4th February 2020.

The production will run until Saturday 28th March 2020.
Go and get two bicycle-wheels.
There are no more bicycle-wheels.
What have you done with your bicycle?
I never had a bicycle.

Nothing stirs outside. In a bare room, Hamm, an old, blind tyrant confined to a wheelchair, is locked in a stalemate with his servant Clov. Interrupted only by the nostalgic musings of Hamm’s ancient parents, this bleakly funny double act cling stubbornly to their routine of casual savagery and mutual dependence.

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