Updated(2): The Lifespan of a Fact opening night - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated(2): The Lifespan of a Fact opening night

Yesterday was the big opening (press) night for The Lifespan of a Fact at Studio 54 in New York. They celebrated with an after party at Brasserie 8 1/2. Daniel's girlfriend Erin Darke was also there to support him. And don't forget to take a look (and 'like' if you haven't already) at Daniel J Radcliffe Holland's Facebook page. I did share several other posts there including US Weekly. There's a photo on Instagram.

Update: 20th October 2018. More videos and vulture.com's interview. He told pagesix.com's Mara Siegler how much he enjoyed being a fact checker for The New Yorker for a day. Read more.
Update: 29th October 2018. Another video via Facebook.

How the audience reacts to the play.

This video is also shared on Facebook.


Broadway.com - Red carpet challenge

Playbill's live video


Another video: broadwayworld.com

Photos: broadwayworld.com, playbill.com, theatermania.com, broadway.com

With Erin (by Bruce Glikas)Embed from Getty Images

Curtain call
Embed from Getty Images

Embed from Getty Images  Photos: Getty Images

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