Updated: The Lifespan of a Fact: Eleanor Leonard - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: The Lifespan of a Fact: Eleanor Leonard

Author, public speaker and theater producer Kelly Leonard's daughter Eleanor Leonard was diagnosed with cancer in her liver and lungs. She started chemotherapy in September and it is most likely that she will need a liver transplant. You can read more at caringbridge.org.

Kelly Leonard shared many photos of celebrities showing their support to #TeamNora and yesterday he shared this one on Twitter (@KLsecondcity)  featuring Daniel at the opening night of The Lifespan of a Fact and
after party at Brasserie 8 1/2 in New York.

Update: 21st October 2018. Another photo has been shared on Twitter and features a mention to Daniel J Radcliffe Holland's Twitter account.

Thank you Daniel Radcliffe for joining #TeamNora @EleanorFL10 @AnneLibera1


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