August 2018 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Google+: A Take Me Back Tuesday Photo

Marion 28 August 2018 0 permalink
Google+: A Take Me Back Tuesday Photo

A new post on Daniel's official Google+ page. And today is it a new Take Me Back Tuesday photo. This one was taken at the Turner Upfront event in promotion of Miracle Workers in New York earlier this year.

#takemebacktuesday #tbsupfronts
The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page

Photo: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

Escape from Pretoria: Release in 2020

Marion 26 August 2018 0 permalink
Escape from Pretoria: Release in 2020

ICYMI: The news you heard first via Daniel J Radcliffe Holland, since I stumbled upon it yesterday: Mercurial Pictures (based in South Africa) has announced on Facebook that Escape from Pretoria will have a release in 2020. This would mean that principal photography is set to start next year.
Daniel Radcliffe is Tim Jenkin in ESCAPE FROM PRETORIA
Release 2020. Another Mercurial Pictures co-production.

PCG magazine interview

Marion 25 August 2018 5 permalink
PCG magazine interview
PSG (Positive Celebrity Gossip) magazine had the chance to ask Daniel a few questions in a short exclusive interview.

Favorite characters in a film
“Obviously, I loved playing Harry and those 10-years were very special, but my favorite character has to be ‘Manny,’ in Swiss Army Man. He’s a sweet, dead weirdo and it was awesome to play him!”
Summorize Swiss Army Man

What happens when a hopeless man stranded on a deserted island befriends a dead body? Well, they go on a surreal journey to get home.

 More Swiss Army Man
“Oh, good; me too. If I had to burn every other scene I’ve ever done in my career and leave one, it would be the bus scene in Swiss Army Man. It’s the best six minutes I’ve ever been involved with onscreen.”
 Favorite charity
 “The Trevor Project. What they do is vital and thankfully more and more people seem to be becoming aware of them.”
 What Daniel Radcliffe would tell the whole world if he could, in thirty seconds.
“I have to quote one of my favourite authors (Kurt Vonnegut) here: ‘“There’s only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.’” So, yeah that’s it really, just be kind, thanks!”

Updated: Miracle Workers re-shoots

Marion 19 August 2018 0 permalink
Updated: Miracle Workers re-shoots

Daniel Radcliffe on working alongside Ralph Fiennes

Marion 16 August 2018 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on working alongside Ralph Fiennes
The official Harry Potter Facebook page shared a new video called "Daniel Radcliffe on Ralph Fiennes" which features quotes from Daniel.

This video is also shared on Facebook.

Ykt Geek Fest message from Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 15 August 2018 0 permalink
Ykt Geek Fest message from Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel recorded a video message in promotion of Beast of Burden (Опасное задание) for Russia's Ykt Geek Fest which takes place on 26th August 2018.

The message (

Updated(2): Daniel's message to Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine

Marion 15 August 2018 0 permalink
Updated(2): Daniel's message to Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine

Distributors Cinemaus Studio and Kinologistika have released a video message from Daniel regarding the release of Beast of Burden in Russia (Опасное задание), Kazakhstan and Ukraine this week.

He mentions the Skype interview that took place yesterday and says that there will be a second competition coming up soon where you can win some signed journals.

Update: 16th August 2018. Read more about the second competition. Ends 30th August 2018 2nd September 2018.
Update: 2nd September 2018. The winners have been announced.

The message (Instagram):

Updated: Inferior crowdfunding campaign

Marion 15 August 2018 0 permalink
Updated: Inferior crowdfunding campaign

Jess Wade, physicist at Imperial College London, did start a crowdfunding campaign to raise £20,000 to buy a copy of Inferior by Angela Saini for every state school in the UK.

Daniel was supposed to record a message in support of the campaign and to get people excited but... they already raised more than the target! (in 12 days). Daniel mentioned the book a few times in interviews, most recent earlier this year: W magazine. The JustGiving page:

Update: 23rd November 2018. Jess Wade backstage at The Lifespan of a Fact. Photo via Facebook.

Here's what he has recorded now (Jess Wade, Twitter):

Harry Potter: Special effects makeup

Marion 14 August 2018 0 permalink
Harry Potter: Special effects makeup

Special effects makeup artist Stephen Murphy shared some photos on Instagram of the impressive work he did on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 and 2 (2010/2011).

Jinx makeup scene (see also HP The Quest, 2011)
More Potter! Harry is zapped in the face, which puffs up like a bee sting. Three different stages sculpted by myself and Kate Hill, eyebrows punched by Paula Eden, applied by myself with Paula Eden, for Nick Dudman’s MUFX department Epilogue scene.
More Potter nostalgia! This was a bit of a tricky one. At the end of ‘Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows’, in 2010 the three kids had to age to late 30’s. They were around 17 at the time. Pieces were sculpted by Martin Rezard and myself (forehead, jowls crows feet), and I applied Dan’s with Paula Eden (who also punched the eyebrows.. again!)
Alas, it wasn’t used in the film.
#harrypotter #danielradcliffe #nickdudman #ppipremiereproducts

Updated(2): Beast of Burden competition: The Skype interview

Marion 14 August 2018 0 permalink
Updated(2): Beast of Burden competition: The Skype interview

The three winners of the Russian Beast of Burden (Опасное задание) competition had the Skype interview session with Daniel today. For now there is only a short clip online.

Cinemaus Studio and Kinologistika have announced that they will share a video soon, but without sound since the conversation was personal. I'll add the video here when it's online.
"I can never believe that there would be people dedicated enough to be fans of me".
In the clip below he mentions that he is scruffy for a job (I assume for Miracle Workers re-shoots. I believe I did read that somewhere)

Update: 15th August 2018. One more clip below. Two more here. Plus I have added the video which has no sound (but it does have music).
Update: 19th October 2019. A longer interview video.

Talking about the Russian community website
A clip in which they talk about dogs

Beast of Burden is out in Russia on 16th August 2018.

Google+: Photo by Tyler Udall

Marion 14 August 2018 0 permalink
  Google+: Photo by Tyler Udall

Another photo by Tyler Udall has been shared on Daniel's official Google+ page (2013).

Business as usual #takemebacktuesday
The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page

Photo: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

The Lifespan of a Fact: Marquee and commercial

Marion 13 August 2018 0 permalink
The Lifespan of a Fact: Marquee and commercial

Photos from the Studio 54 theatre marquee for The Lifespan of a Fact have been shared via Daniel's official Google+ page. You also could have missed the new commercial which I have shared on Facebook.

The first rehearsal will take place on 23rd August 2018, exactly ten days from now.

Check out the Marquee! #thelifespanofafact #studio54
Photo: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

Google+: A Take Me Back Tuesday Photo

Marion 7 August 2018 0 permalink
Google+: A Take Me Back Tuesday Photo

A new photo via Daniel's official Google+ page on this Tuesday. It shows Daniel with a cute dog and it looks like the photo was taken at the Broadhurst Theatre in New York (Equus, 2008/2009).

Man's best friend #takemebacktuesday
The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page.

Photo: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe
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