Beast of Burden: UK DVD artwork - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Beast of Burden: UK DVD artwork

I already shared on Facebook that Beast of Burden will arrive on DVD in the UK on 13th August 2018. The artwork has now been released by distributor Thunderbird Releasing. It doesn't look like there will be any Special Features on the DVD, but if there will be I'll add the info here.


Pilot Sean Haggerty is a trusted mule for a major international drug cartel, running cocaine across the U.S/Mexico border. Little does the cartel know Sean also works for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. In exchange for Sean’s help bringing down the cartel, the DEA agrees to pay for an operation for Sean’s sick wife, Jen.

On Sean’s last job, the cartel unexpectedly changes his drop target setting off a wild airborne cat-and-mouse chase. Do they know about Sean’s deception? And does the DEA trust Sean will not double-cross them as well? With both the cartel and DEA on his tail, Sean must land the plane and stay alive long enough to save Jen’s life.

Photos: Thunderbird Releasing

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