July 2018 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Google+: A Take Me Back Tuesday Photo

Marion 31 July 2018 0 permalink
Google+: A Take Me Back Tuesday Photo

A new Take Me Back photo via Daniel's official Google+ page. It's not sure if it's another one by Tyler Udall but I do assume it is ;).

Back in the day! #takemebacktuesday #niceshades
The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page.

Photos: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

Google+: Photo by Tyler Udall

Marion 24 July 2018 1 permalink
Google+: Photo by Tyler Udall

I did post on Twitter that it looked like we didn't get to see a new photo via Daniel's official Google+ page but... here it is. A new Take Me Back Tuesday photo. It's again a photo by Tyler Udall (2013). Maybe his PR team saw my post? ;).

The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page

Photos: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

Updated(3): Beast of Burden competition: Want to talk to Daniel Radcliffe on Skype?

Marion 24 July 2018 0 permalink
Updated(3): Beast of Burden competition: Want to talk to Daniel Radcliffe on Skype?

News for all of you in Russia: Kinologistika and Cinemaus Studio have set up a competition in promotion of Beast of Burden (Опасное задание). The winners will have the opportunity to talk to Daniel on Skype on 12th August 2018 14th August 2018.

What do you have to do?
- Buy a ticket for the film. At your local cinema or online.
- Register your ticket online via the form here.
- Remember the Serial Number you will receive.

The winners will be drawn at random and will be announced on 11th August 2018 13th August 2018 at 19:00pm (time in Moscow).

Beast of Burden will be released in Russia on 16th August 2018. ICYMI: I did share the Russian poster on Facebook.

Below you find Daniel's message about the contest, recorded on the Miracle Workers press day in New York. He recorded it specifically for the 105th Russian film market which took place in April 2018 in Moscow.

Update: 4th August 2018.  I have replaced the video below. The other was dubbed, this is one has Russian subtitles.
Update: 11th August 2018. The competition is postponed for two days.
Update: 13th August 2018. The winners have been announced.

BAFTA tribute Julie Walters (2003)

Marion 23 July 2018 0 permalink
BAFTA tribute Julie Walters (2003)

A new photo has appeared online via BAFTA's instagram account. The photo features Daniel, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint at the BAFTA tribute for Julie Walters back in 2003.

Edit: There is a bigger version on BAFTA's Twitter.
wishing a very happy birthday to Daniel Radcliffe! ⚡️ Harry Potter fans: swipe for a treat 🎁👉 • • 📸 @richhphoto #bafta #danielradcliffe #bornonthisday #happybirthday #harrypotter #emmawatson

Updated: Happy Birthday Daniel Radcliffe! (29!)

Marion 23 July 2018 0 permalink
Updated: Happy Birthday Daniel Radcliffe! (29!)

It's 23rd July, that means that Daniel turned 29 today. And up to 30 next year... time flies.

Happy Birthday
Daniel Radcliffe!
May all your dreams and wishes come true 😊

Even though we know he doesn't "Google his name", feel free to wish him a Happy Birthday via Daniel J Radcliffe Holland's Twitter, Facebook (I prefer below this post, and don't forget to 'like' the page) or simply by adding a comment below. Sadly it's not possible to leave comment on his official Google+ page.

I think I'll be mainly busy with keeping track of Twitter mentions through the day.

Update: 24th July 2018. New Google+ post. "Happy Birthday to the one and only Daniel Radcliffe!"

↪ Don't forget to follow Daniel J Radcliffe Holland's Twitter and Facebook

Updated: Robin & Marsha Williams Sotheby's auction

Marion 20 July 2018 0 permalink
Updated: Robin & Marsha Williams Sotheby's auction

Though he died in 2014, the memory of the late Robin Williams will live on with a collection from the actor and his wife, Marsha Garces Williams, set to be auctioned off at Sotheby's in New York on 4th October 2018. Sotheby's has announced that the auction will offer the public an opportunity to witness and bid on works spanning Marsha's and Robin’s interests and careers, with each item reflecting their shared passion for collecting.

The auction is called Creating a Stage: The Collection of Marsha and Robin Williams and proceeds will benefit charities including The Juilliard School, Wounded Warrior Project, the Challenged Athletes Foundation, and the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.

One of the highlights is a Gryffindor robe worn by Daniel Radcliffe in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001). It is estimated to be worth $10,000-$15,000.

The auction will be preceded by an exhibition located at Sotheby’s auction house in New York and will open to the public on 29th September 2018.

Update: 8th October 2018. The auction took place on 4th October 2018, but the news got out that the robe isn't sold and was withdrawn from the auction (as mugglenet.com reported today, they reached out to Sotheby's to inquire about the item). It is unclear why or what's the robe's fate.

Long sleeved black cloak with Gryffindor crest, hood and lining. M.B.A. Ltd. London tag: "Dan Radcliffe 14521, Harry Potter #3, Harry Potter"; handwritten "DG BLE And "D90080DD".

Chris Columbus (producer of the first three Harry Potter Movies)
Schools of the Sacred Heart And UCSF Children's Hospital Benefit Auction, 2001
Acquired from the above by the present owner
source: sothebys.com

Daniel's message to Israel

Marion 19 July 2018 0 permalink
Daniel's message to Israel

Another video message from Daniel which was released by Shoval Film Production regarding the premiere of Jungle (בחזרה מטואיצ׳י) in Israel back in March. This one was recorded on the Miracle Workers press day in New York.

Jungle Israel premiere: Daniel Radcliffe's video message

Marion 19 July 2018 1 permalink
Jungle Israel premiere: Daniel Radcliffe's video message

Jungle (בחזרה מטואיצ׳י) premiered in Israel earlier this year. Daniel wasn't able to attend but he did record a video message, (it's the longer version of this one) which was released by distributor Shoval Film Production. He thanks the audiences, director Greg McLean, Yossi Ghinsberg ("playing you was an insane and wonderful challenge") and more.

The film premiered on 22nd March 2018. The video was recorded on the set of  Miracle Workers in Atlanta, Georgia.

Guns Akimbo cast and crew photo

Marion 18 July 2018 0 permalink
Guns Akimbo cast and crew photo

Daniel's message to audiences of Cinema City, Israel

Marion 17 July 2018 0 permalink
Daniel's message to audiences of Cinema City, Israel

This was shared back in March: Daniel's message to audiences of Cinema City, Israel in promotion of Jungle (בחזרה מטואיצ׳י).

This video is also shared on Facebook.

Google+: Photo by Tyler Udall

Marion 17 July 2018 0 permalink
Google+: Photo by Tyler Udall

Another photo by Tyler Udall (2013) has been shared on Daniel's official Google+ page because it's Take Me Back Tuesday.

Nice suit #takemebacktuesday
The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page

Photos: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe at The Public Theater

Marion 14 July 2018 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe at The Public Theater
Flashback Saturday! I wanted to create a post for this: Daniel meeting fans at The Public theater after performing in the Off-Broadway play Privacy back in 2016. It's mainly because of the following photo of him with American mentalist The Amazing Kreskin. Oh and there's also this one: Daniel and DJ, host, performer Stormageddon and this one: Junebug: A Guide Dog's Adventures.

More photos and a video which were already shared via Facebook and which you could have missed:
Birthday message to Fun Home The Musical's Sydney Lucas
Mark Subias, United Talent Agency.
Daniel and Lin-Manuel Miranda
Shout out to Jagged Row
SiriusXM's radio talk show host Randi Zuckerberg

For more and creative selfies (I also love this one) visit Daniel J Radcliffe Holland's Facebook page and search for "Privacy".

Google+: Photo by Tyler Udall

Marion 10 July 2018 0 permalink
Google+: Photo by Tyler Udall

A new Tyler Udall photo on this Tuesday via Daniel's official Google+ page.

UK 2013 #takemebacktuesday
The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page

Photos: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

Updated: It's a wrap for Guns Akimbo

Marion 7 July 2018 0 permalink
Updated: It's a wrap for Guns Akimbo

Guns Akimbo has finished filming! Director Jason Lei Howden has shared the following photos on social media.

Update: 8th July 2018. Thė Alchęmønäut.

Jason Lei Howden

Shoot Day 40 #gunsakimbo THAT’S A WRAP FOR GUNS AKIMBO!! Feeling privileged and honoured to have worked with such an amazing cast and crew. Talented, professional and just the best human beings. Thanks to everyone who helped make this dream a reality.

A Throwback Thursday photo - Harry Potter

Marion 5 July 2018 0 permalink
A Throwback Thursday photo - Harry Potter

A Throwback Thursday photo has been shared via the official Harry Potter Film Twitter page. It's a photo taken on the set of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. They were filming the prophecy scenes (Department of Mysteries, Ministry of Magic).

Updated: Daniel Radcliffe in Munich

Marion 3 July 2018 0 permalink
Updated: Daniel Radcliffe in Munich

Daniel is currently in Munich (München), Germany filming Guns Akimbo. I have shared a few photos from myRockworld on Facebook and thought it would be a good to share them here also. I have seen more pop up. If you want to see more take a look at Instagram.

Update: 6th July 2018. Photos: Marthy And The Bad Punch.
just run into Daniel Radcliffe aka as "Harry Potter" and gave him a copy of #MoonOverBaskerville
Daniel is huge music lover and he has an vinl record player, too! He promised to have a listen.
#MartyAndTheBadPunch #DanielRadcliffe #MartyPunch #myRockworld #GunsAkimbo #HarryPotter
(The photo above is a set photo taken by Jason Lei Howden, and it also popped up on Daniel's official Google+ page yesterday. Talking about those, you also could have missed this "Happy Friday" photo and this one).


Just met "Harry Potter" actor Daniel Radcliffe and australian actress Natasha Liu Bordizzo who are in Munich right now to shoot a new film
Harry Potter meets Terminator meets Pirates of the Caribbean Today i met again Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe, and he was was very proud to sign next to Terminater Arnold Schwarzenegger and Pirates of the Caribbean actor Johnny Depp on the special signature myRockworld shirt

See a photo of the signature here at myRockworld's Facebook page.

Google+: Photo by Tyler Udall

Marion 3 July 2018 0 permalink
Google+: Photo by Tyler Udall

Another photo by Tyler Udall (2013) on this Tuesday via Daniel's official Google+ page.

Just chillin! #takemebacktuesday
The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page

Photos: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe
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