June 2018 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Google+: Photo by Tyler Udall

Marion 26 June 2018 0 permalink
Google+: Photo by Tyler Udall

On Tuesday 19th June there wasn't a new Take Me Back Tuesday photo via Daniel's official Google+ page, but today there is again! Another one from the photoshoot by Tyler Udall.

UK 2013 #takemebacktuesday
The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page

Photos: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

Guns Akimbo production in Munich

Marion 18 June 2018 0 permalink
Guns Akimbo production in Munich

A few photos have been released online from the set of Guns Akimbo in Munich (München), Germany. Two photos via FilmFernsehFonds Bayern and one via Universum Film. One of the locations where they have been shooting is the English garden, that part of the shoot started on Monday 11th June 2018.

Via FilmFernsehFonds Bayern: Photo 1 / Photo 2

Via Universum Film

Google+: A Take Me Back Tuesday Photo

Marion 12 June 2018 0 permalink
Google+: A Take Me Back Tuesday Photo

A new Take Me Back Tuesday photo via Daniel's official Google+ page. The photographer is unknown but there is a possibility that it's another one by Tyler Udall.

Get more #vinyl in your life! #takemebacktuesday #records #wax
The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page

Photos: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

Prop Store's Now You See Me 2 auction

Marion 8 June 2018 0 permalink
Prop Store's Now You See Me 2 auction

Prop Store is auctioning off props from Now You See Me 2 (2016) The exclusive online auction on behalf of Lionsgate started today at 3pm (ends on 20th June) and will feature over 100 props. Registration is open.

Here are highlights:

Walter's apartment costume

Scene Reference: Walter wore his costume in his apartment when he blackmailed the Horsemen into stealing the data chip.

Walter's brown suit
Scene Reference: Walter wore his suit in the photographs he took when he travelled to Macau with the sleep-drugged Horsemen.

Walter's boat costume
Scene Reference: Walter wore his costume when he attempted to drown Dylan in the safe whilst he drank with Tressler on the boat.

source: propstore.com

Daniel Radcliffe to return to Broadway in The Lifespan of a Fact this September

Marion 6 June 2018 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe to return to Broadway in The Lifespan of a Fact this September

"We will have very cool project news" That was posted on Daniel's official Google+ page yesterday. What's the news? Well here it comes: Broadway World has announced that Daniel will star in the Broadway play The Lifespan of a Fact. Co-stars are Cherry Jones and Bobby Cannavale. The play is written by Jeremy Kareken & David Murrell and Gordon Farrell, and will be directed by Leigh Silverman.

It's based on the book written by John D'Agata and performances will begin on Thursday 20th September 2018. The opening night is Thursday 18th October 2018. The production will play for 16 weeks only at Studio 54.


Jim Fingal (Daniel Radcliffe) has a small job: to fact check articles for one of the best magazines in the country.

Jim Fingal's boss (Cherry Jones) has given him a big assignment: apply his skill to a groundbreaking piece by legendary author John D'Agata (Bobby Cannavale). And now, Jim Fingal has a huge problem: John made up some of his article. Well, a lot of his article. OK, actually, maybe the majority of it?

What starts professional quickly becomes profane as one question rises to the surface: Can Jim Fingal ever just shut the fact up?


- Exclusively for American Express card members
Tickets are on sale beginning this Friday 8th June 2018 at 10am EST. Members can purchase tickets before the general public by visiting telecharge.com or calling 212.239.6200.

- Audience Rewards members
Tickets are on sale beginning on Monday 18th June 2018 at 10am EST by visiting audiencerewards.com.

- For the general public
Tickets are on sale beginning on Friday 22nd June 2018.

For more information visit the play's official website: lifespanofafact.com.

source/photo: broadwayworld.com

Updated(2): Beast of Burden: Daniel Radcliffe talks about his character and the story

Marion 5 June 2018 0 permalink
Updated(2): Beast of Burden: Daniel Radcliffe talks about his character and the story

A clip in promotion of Beast of Burden has been released by Australian distributor Defiant Screen Entertainment. In this clip Daniel talks about his character Sean Haggerty and the story. For fans in Australia: The film is now available on DVD, Blu-ray and VoD (since 30th May 2018).

Update: 6th June 2018. Another clip via Sanity.

Sanity - The script and director Jasper Ganslandt.

This video is also shared on Facebook.

Google+: Photo by Tyler Udall

Marion 5 June 2018 0 permalink
Google+: Photo by Tyler Udall

Another photo by Tyler Udall (2013) has been released via Daniel's official Google+ page on this Tuesday.

#takemebacktuesday #tylerudall
The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page

Photos: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

Jungle: More behind the scenes footage

Marion 4 June 2018 0 permalink
Jungle: More behind the scenes footage

I did share the Korean poster for Jungle (정글) on Facebook. There is also more behind the scenes footage released which you can watch below. We already saw some of it back in 2017. The film is released in Korea on 31st May 2018.

The New Yorker - Boy Poet

Marion 3 June 2018 0 permalink
The New Yorker - Boy Poet

To celebrate what would be Allen Ginsberg's 92nd birthday today The New Yorker published an article with several links to read more on how the Beat Generation changed American culture. One of the articles is called Boy Poet, written by their contributor Adam Green. He browses the Strand bookstore with Daniel. A small edit: The article is also shared on Daniel's official Google+ page: "We hope these pieces energize your reading list"

“Boy Poet”
“In the movie ‘Kill Your Darlings,’ Daniel Radcliffe plays Allen Ginsberg as a clean-shaven Columbia student who rebels against literary and cultural traditions, among them such poetic niceties as rhyme and metre.” Read more.

It features an illustration by Tom Bachtell and also a mention to the poems Daniel wrote under the pen name Jacob Gershon.
As he passed the cash registers, Radcliffe spotted a copy of Ginsberg’s “Howl and Other Poems” next to a copy of “Naked Lunch,” whose author, William Burroughs, also appears as a character in “Kill Your Darlings.” Radcliffe recalled reading “Naked Lunch” when he was fourteen, and having a visceral reaction to it. “I felt somewhat physically ill—which I imagine is not far from what Burroughs wanted,” he said. He didn’t get around to “Howl” until he was sixteen. “As soon as I got beyond three pages, I found myself in ‘What the fuck?’ territory.”
(The article was already published back in 2013, but I don't remember I have read it before)
source: newyorker.com
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