Updated(6): Esquire Middle East magazine photoshoot - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated(6): Esquire Middle East magazine photoshoot

You might remember the post on Daniel's Google+ page regarding a photoshoot for Esquire Middle East magazine back in 2017. Since Wednesday we know that Daniel is on the cover of their February 2018 issue.

The magazine is out now and the cover has been revealed (also shared via Daniel's Google+ page, interview coming soon). Oh and there's this behind the scenes photo, I don't know the original source, plus this one by Dan Gregory which I did share on Facebook in 2017.

Update: 5th February 2018. Another photo. And the interview is online.
Update: 7th February 2018. Behind the scenes video.
Update: 23rd February 2018. Another photo via gosee.de.
Update: 16th March 2018. Behind the scenes: Photo 1 | Photo 2.
Update: 17th March 2018. Another photo.
Update: 5th April 2018. A photo from this shoot on the cover of Esquire Czech Republic magazine.

 “I was incredibly lucky to fall into a career, and a role, where I got paid very well. I’m almost embarrassed by it, I don’t drive really so the flash car thing never happened for me. The real thing money does for me is let me not have to worry about it, which is such a massive thing for people in their lives.”

Photos at robertwunsch.com.

source: esquireme.com
Photos by Robert Wunsch

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Now just waiting for Beast of Burden press to start


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