The Wall Street Journal: Daniel Radcliffe on his Harry Potter glasses, his favorite time killers and iPhone imperatives - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


The Wall Street Journal: Daniel Radcliffe on his Harry Potter glasses, his favorite time killers and iPhone imperatives

The Wall Street Journal has put a new article online in which Daniel talks about his Harry Potter glasses, one of his favorite Podcasts, Fantasy Football, and more. The text is edited from an interview by Chris Kornelis.

On his Favorite Podcast
The “How Did This Get Made?” podcast is one of my favorite things to listen to. It’s three very, very funny people talking generally with other very funny people. It’s a dissection of crazy movies, not even necessarily bad ones—though a lot of them are bad movies. What I think I love about it is there’s a lot of respect in the way they talk about the film. They have an appreciation for the fact that getting any film made is basically a victory. They do make fun of them, obviously, but there’s a feeling of celebration about it, which is really lovely. Everyone should listen to it.

On Fantast Football
I’ve got all my fantasy football apps on my phone: NFL Fantasy Football and Yahoo Fantasy Football. And I’m on them fairly constantly. I was going to say from Thursday to Monday, but then I realized that it’s an all-week thing. I’m in two leagues. I know people who are in so many more than that, and I have no idea how they cope. The level of stress it brings into my life as it is…I don’t know how anyone could possibly deal with more than two leagues.


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