Daniel Radcliffe donates glasses for Warrington BSL signing choirs' Rock 'n' Roll shades charity auction - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Daniel Radcliffe donates glasses for Warrington BSL signing choirs' Rock 'n' Roll shades charity auction

Daniel has donated glasses for Warrington BSL signing choir's Rock 'n' Roll shades charity auction. All the proceeds will be going to the charity 'Warrington BSL choir' for deaf awareness.

The live auction will take place on Saturday 25th November 2017 between 2pm - 4pm at the Manchester Hilton Hotel.  But it's also possible to pre-bid online via Simon Charles Auctioneers online at (online now, lot 28). A note: You have to register.

Thanks to Warrington BSL Choir and Simon Charles Auctioneers for the info.

Daniel wearing the sunglasses:
(Conservatoire International de Lunettes 401 tortoise neon green)

Photo: Twitter/Warrington BSL Choir

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