Updated(5): ZFF 2016: Imperium press junket - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated(5): ZFF 2016: Imperium press junket

From the Zurich Film Festival (ZFF) press junket: Daniel introduces the German trailer for Imperium in this clip released by Ascot Elite Home Entertainment. Imperium is now available as Digital download and will be on DVD & Blu-ray on 9th December 2016.

Update: 1st December 2016. Interview footage released by Ascot Elite. There is also interview footage in this clip.
Update: 5th December 2016. More footage.
Update: 9th December 2016. More videos.
Update: 19th December 2016. More videos.
Update: 4th February 2018. Bla Bla Show (Mexico)

Bla Bla Show (Mexico)
This video is also shared on Facebook.

Photo: YouTube

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