Updated(2): Deauville American Film Festival: Press conference and photocall - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated(2): Deauville American Film Festival: Press conference and photocall

Day 2 from Daniel at the Deauville American Film Festival: A photocall and a press conference together with director Daniel Ragussis in promotion of Imperium. The press converence at Kiehl's Club, and the photocall on the Promenade des Planches. There was also another Facebook Live video.

Update: 18th September 2016. Nicolas Gerardin photo.
Update: 14th December 2016. Denis Guignebourg photo.

Daniel left the following messageEmbed from Getty Images
Dear Deauville,

Thank you for this honour and a fantastic festival!

Love Daniel Radcliffe
Photocall Facebook Live video

This video is also shared on Facebook.

Paris Match

This video is also shared on Facebook.

Press conference video (with thanks to Monique for sending over the link) There's a great photo by Anne-Sophie Rivereau on Facebook and two via Bulles de Culture: photo 1 | photo 2. Ciné Stars News also posted photos on Facebook.

Photocall photos. He revealed his dedicated beach locker room.
There are also photos by Naïade Plante on Facebook.
There are more photos by Olivier Vigarie on Facebook.

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Embed from Getty Images
Photos: Getty Images

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