The Daily Telegraph interview (UK) - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


The Daily Telegraph interview (UK)

A new interview from The Daily Telegraph (Telegraph magazine) and features a few new photos too. He talks about Now You See Me 2, Swiss Army Man and more while he was preparing for his role in Jungle. See photos by Amanda Friedman and read the interview at

When Daniel Radcliffe first walks in I can’t believe how terrible he looks: sallow-faced, dark smudges under his eyes, long beard. And so thin. At least a stone lighter than when we met four years ago. And he wasn’t remotely big then.  It quickly becomes obvious that he’s starving himself.
He tells me he is subsisting on a daily diet of one chicken breast and a protein bar, boosted by coffee and cigarettes. Radcliffe has been getting into character for his role in Jungle, a film adapted from a true story, where he plays Yossi Ghinsberg, a young adventurer who gets lost in the Bolivian jungle. He has a few more ‘skinny scenes’ to shoot and then plans to celebrate with a chocolate bar.

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