Happy Birthday Daniel Radcliffe! (27!) - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Happy Birthday Daniel Radcliffe! (27!)

Another year has gone so fast, it's 23rd July today, Daniel turned 27. Happy Birthday Daniel!. He has a busy day with two performances of Privacy in New York. Maybe one of you is going to see the play today?

Feel free to wish him a Happy Birthday via Daniel J Radcliffe Holland's Twitter and Facebook (I prefer a comment here on Facebook so I can keep track of them) or a comment below this post (even while we all know he won't read it). I hope he will have a great day.

Then something else regarding Twitter: If you mention @DanJRadcliffeNL with 'Happy Birthday' on Twitter it will show up in the list below. I also will be retweeting throughout the day. I am pretty sure there will be many just like last year ;)


  1. Parabéns 😍😍😍😍😍😤💜💜💜💜💜🎂🎁🎉🎊 muitos anos de vida e muita felicidade 💜


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