March 2016 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Daniel signs shirt for Loud Shirt Day

Marion 30 March 2016 0 permalink
Daniel signs shirt for Loud Shirt Day

Here's some news I was made aware of via Twitter: Daniel has signed a Karmakula shirt in support of Loud Shirt Day in the UK which will be held on 17th June 2016. This day is set up to raise money for Auditory Verbal UK by wearing your loudest shirt. Auditory Verbal UK teaches deaf children to listen and speak. The shirt is set to be auctioned later this year. For more info:

Google+: WWF Insurrection

Marion 25 March 2016 0 permalink
Google+: WWF Insurrection

News from Daniel's official Google+ page. A photo taken during the WWF Insurrection in 2000.

Found this and thought I'd share it with you all. Two days before the start of HP1 our producer, David Heyman, took Matthew Lewis, Rupert Grint and me (in my super-cool lime green zip-top!) to WWF INSURRECTION in Sheffield (this was prior to it becoming WWE). Unfortunately I don't have a photo of the whole group. Judging by the sign behind us I think William Regal was making his entrance! And judging by our faces we weren't quite brave enough to boo him.
It was very good night! Go watch the brilliant Mr. Lewis in season 2 of Happy Valley on Netflix!  Happy Friday everyone! - Dan
The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page.

Photo: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

Updated: Daniel Radcliffe interviews Paul Dano for So It Goes magazine (UK)

Marion 18 March 2016 0 permalink
Updated: Daniel Radcliffe interviews Paul Dano for So It Goes magazine (UK)

The cover of So It Goes magazine number seven (well it's one of four different covers) has been revealed plus the news that Daniel has been interviewing his Swiss Army Man co-star Paul Dano for this issue. The magazine is now available for pre-order at

11th May 2016. A part of the interview is added below.
The talk of the Sundance Film Festival, Radcliffe shares, “I think there are going to be times when we are encouraged to talk about it as a headline ‘Farting Boner Corpse Movie’ and it’s so much more than that. But I’m also really proud that it is that–and that I was in a film that could inspire those insane headlines.”

Dano adds, “Yeah, totally! There are enough people who are going to read what you just said and go, ‘Well OK, I want to see that.'” The 31 year-old actor continues, “So I think that it’s all good, and I feel like the movie’s not about the reaction either. So talking about the love and the joy and the playfulness and the singularity of what we made–that’s what I’m excited to share and talk about with people.”

Now You See Me 2 international trailer

Marion 16 March 2016 0 permalink
Now You See Me 2 international trailer

Summit Entertainment has released the international trailer for Now You See Me 2. Below is the UK version via distributor Entertainment One.

A Throwback Thursday photo - Horns

Marion 11 March 2016 1 permalink
A Throwback Thursday photo - Horns

Get Connected launches as The Mix

Marion 11 March 2016 0 permalink
Get Connected launches as The Mix

Get Connected, the UK charity which Daniel supports since 2009, has merged together with YouthNet and will continue as The Mix. It combines YouthNet’s extensive digital reach and Get Connected’s telephone helpline and counselling service.

It offers multi-issue support with a particular focus on mental wellbeing and creating opportunities through volunteering. The Mix aims to reach over 2 million young people by 2018, a quarter of the UK’s population of 16-25 year olds (currently reaching 1.7million). The new brand will be fully rolled out across all services by summer 2016.


Victor Frankenstein: Victor's Victorian Facts

Marion 11 March 2016 0 permalink
Victor Frankenstein: Victor's Victorian Facts

There were already two episodes available from Victor Frankenstein's Victor's Victorian Facts via the official US Facebook page which are lightning and reanimate the dead. Below you find two more: about Xenotransplantation and Ice. Both feature clips with Daniel as Igor. When more become available I'll add them here.

Victor Frankenstein is out on DVD & Blu-ray in the US

Marion 8 March 2016 0 permalink
Victor Frankenstein is out on DVD & Blu-ray in the US

20th Century Fox's Victor Frankenstein is out on DVD & Blu-ray today in the US. To celebrate you can watch a behind the scenes clip below.

Geen bioscoop maar wel DVD & Blu-ray release voor Victor Frankenstein

Marion 5 March 2016 0 permalink
Geen bioscoop maar wel DVD & Blu-ray release voor Victor Frankenstein
Ik voelde het al aankomen, maar het is inmiddels aan mij bevestigd door 20th Century Fox Nederland: Helaas komt er geen bioscoop release voor Victor Frankenstein. De release in NL stond gepland op donderdag 17 maart 2016.

20th Century Fox heeft aangegeven de film wel uit te brengen op DVD en Blu-ray. Datum: 13 juli 2016. Dus dat is dus nog wel even wachten.

Sarah Dunn photoshoot (Victor Frankenstein)

Marion 4 March 2016 0 permalink
Sarah Dunn photoshoot (Victor Frankenstein)
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