Updated: Nylon magazine photoshoot (US) - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: Nylon magazine photoshoot (US)

Daniel Radcliffe is featured in the new November issue of Nylon magazine in promotion of Victor Frankenstein. You can see photo's from the new photoshoot below.

Update: 28th October 2015. Nylon has put their interview online. Read it here (photos also).
Here are four things you might not know about Daniel Radcliffe:
1.) He has 15 Instagram followers—for him, it’s a private photo-messaging service for friends and that’s about it;
2.) He’s not immune to getting star-struck (when it happens, his default tactic is “drive-by complimenting”);
3.) He’s on a Haruki Murakami kick, and, like the author, enjoys running, having pounded 90 miles of pavement this past summer;
4.) He has a newfound empathy for people with long hair, having had extensions put in for an upcoming role as Igor to James McAvoy’s Frankenstein in Hollywood’s most recent take on the sci-fi classic.

“First of all, drying it takes half an hour and is so fucking boring,” he says. “Secondly, the upkeep! If you’re willing to put in the effort, I’m full of admiration, but I just couldn’t do it.”
source: nylon.com
Photo: Simon Emmett

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