Updated: Icon El País magazine photoshoot (Spain) - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: Icon El País magazine photoshoot (Spain)

Daniel Radcliffe is on the cover of Icon El País magazine's October 2015 issue (Spain). Ofcourse the magazine also features an interview, everything in promotion of Victor Frankenstein.

27th October 2015. The interview is online. See also this link.
Update: 23rd December 2015. The photos are also featured in the winter 2015 issue of L'Officiel Hommes Germany.

Translation by Daniel J Radcliffe Holland (a part of it).

Do not you think that the umpteenth adaptation of Frankenstein was the most boring choice I could make?

The script was crazy, so different from everything that was worth. What the screenwriter, Max [Landis], has done is take elements from the book, from the films about the book and then from the comedies about the movies, and he has created a world in which everything that can coexist with the meaning. It is a very new version that at the same time serves as a love letter to previous versions.

source/photos: icon.elpais.com

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