Happy Halloween!
Photo: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe
Happy Halloween!
Hi Everyone
I'm very excited to tell all my fans in Mexico City that I'll be there in a couple weeks to promote my new film VICTOR FRANKENSTEIN. There will be a special screening on November 15th. Be sure to check back for more details. I'm looking forward to seeing your fantastic city again. I'll never forgot the incredible reception you gave me last year. I still have the sombrero!
P.S. I also want to thank everyone who sent me invitations to return. I'm deeply appreciative
.@DanJRadcliffeNL filming in #RVA - sent well wishes to kids @ CHoR #HarryPotter https://t.co/k70WAJMYSW pic.twitter.com/eHfr0tNDKW
— Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU (@childrensatvcu) October 29, 2015
Here are four things you might not know about Daniel Radcliffe:
1.) He has 15 Instagram followers—for him, it’s a private photo-messaging service for friends and that’s about it;
2.) He’s not immune to getting star-struck (when it happens, his default tactic is “drive-by complimenting”);
3.) He’s on a Haruki Murakami kick, and, like the author, enjoys running, having pounded 90 miles of pavement this past summer;
4.) He has a newfound empathy for people with long hair, having had extensions put in for an upcoming role as Igor to James McAvoy’s Frankenstein in Hollywood’s most recent take on the sci-fi classic.
“First of all, drying it takes half an hour and is so fucking boring,” he says. “Secondly, the upkeep! If you’re willing to put in the effort, I’m full of admiration, but I just couldn’t do it.”
Hi everyone. Here's another new photo of me as FBI agent Nate Foster.The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via our own Google+ page.