Updated(3): Daniel Radcliffe attends MCM London Comic Con: Horns panel and signing - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated(3): Daniel Radcliffe attends MCM London Comic Con: Horns panel and signing

Daniel attended the MCM London Comic Con yesterday to promote Horns. There is a short video from the Horns panel below. Afterwards there was a signing for a select group of fans. Find more photos via Mcm Buzz magazine on Facebook and via contactmusic.com. Thanks to Yaffa Meskell photography (photo below) & Steve Munden (photo from the signing) for sharing photos with Daniel J Radcliffe Holland on Twitter with a mention. Then last but not least there's also a photo from the signing on Daniel's official Google+ page. More photos from Yaffa Meskell Photography are here.
Daniel revealed that he only read Joe Hill’s book upon which Horns is based after he got the part of Ig. “It’s a fantastic book and I’m sure we have many fans of the book here.” He revealed that things have changed in this adaptation but declared that fans of the book “will love the film.”

When he initially read the script for Horns, Daniel focused a little too much on the comedy, and was excited about one particular sequence. “When Ig goes to the hospital and tries to get the horns removed, I just thought it was really, really funny.”
Read more at mcmbuzz.com

Update: 26th October 2014. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers photo.
Update: 2nd February 2015. A photo released by MCM Comic Con.
Update: 6th July 2018. Photo by BBC presenter Ben Henry Hunte.


Via Google+:

MCM LONDON COMIC CON! Autograph session with fans. #MCMLCC #horror #hornsmovie   #joehill #devil  
The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page

source: mcmbuzz.com
Photo: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

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