Updated(3): A.J. Jacobs' family reunion - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated(3): A.J. Jacobs' family reunion

Author A.J. Jacobs has started on building the largest family tree ever and tries to get all the members together for a massive Global Family Reunion on 6th June 2015 in New York. His interview with Daniel (yes he did found out that Daniel is related to him in some distant way) was featured in People magazine back in July. Photos.

Update: 22nd May 2015. Daniel will present via video.

Update: 30th May 2015. According to their schedule Daniel is one of the "video welcome" messages at their theater section from 11:00 to 11:30am.
Update: 7th June 2015. Daniel's message for the reunion is added below.

This video is also shared on Facebook.

“So far we have people from 160 countries and from all the continents on the tree,” he says. “We are really hoping to get people from every country.”
About meeting Daniel:
“Daniel Radcliffe said on a British radio show that he had read one of my books. So I wrote him a thank-you note through his publicist and begged him for an interview, which he granted. He’s a mix of Irish, Jewish, and South African. He said, ‘We’re all a mix. And I enjoy that I have this muttishness.’ He wanted to know if he’s related to a British runner named Paula Radcliffe. ‘I love running. And I’m quite fast for a short person. I was always crap at any kind of ball sports and teams, but anything that requires running, jumping, and climbing, I excel at.’'
backstage at The Cripple of Inishmaan

Photo: A.J. Jacobs

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