September 2014 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Movie Tie-In edition of Horns

Marion 30 September 2014 0 permalink
Movie Tie-In edition of Horns

Below you find the cover art of the Horns Movie Tie-In edition book by Joe Hill. It's released on 30th September 2014 by HarperCollins Publishers. It is only available in the following regions: US, Singapore, Canada, Australia and Germany. Also available as eBook.

Pages: 416 pages
ISBN-10: 0062364642
ISBN-13: 978-0062364647

From the New York Times bestselling author of Heart-Shaped Box and NOS4A2, a relentless supernatural thriller that runs like Hell on wheels . . .

Merrin Williams is dead, slaughtered under inexplicable circumstances, leaving her beloved boyfriend Ignatius Perrish as the only suspect. On the first anniversary of Merrin's murder, Ig spends the night drunk and doing awful things. When he wakes the next morning he has a thunderous hangover . . . and horns growing from his temples. Ig possesses a terrible new power to go with his terrible new look—a macabre gift he intends to use to find the monster who killed his one true love. Being good and praying for the best got him nowhere. Now it's time for revenge . . .

It's time the devil had his due . . .


Google+ update and Daniel's favorite The Simpsons episodes and moments

Marion 28 September 2014 0 permalink
Google+ update and Daniel's favorite The Simpsons episodes and moments
There is a new update from Daniel's official Google+ page which is a photo from the quiz show Jeopardy. They had a Daniel Radcliffe category on Friday. Then second did ask celebrities what their favorite The Simpsons episode is. You find Daniel's answer below (ofcourse  he also did mention his own episodes: Treehouse of Horror XXI and Diggs)

And the category is...... #jeopardy  
Via Vulture
(29th September: the link is now also shared on his Google+ page):
Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), "Diggs" and "Treehouse of Horror XXI"
One of my favorite lines is in one episode ["The PTA Disbands"], when Lisa makes a perpetual motion machine and Homer comes in and says, "In this house, we obey Newton’s laws of thermodynamics." That’s a brilliant line. Also, any of Troy McClure’s — "I’m Troy McClure and you may recognize me from Alice’s Adventures Through the Windshield Glass," when he’s doing a drivers’ ed video [in "Duffless"]. I can come up with more if you give me time. Right now that’s all I can think of. I love my own episodes. It’s almost so surreal to watch them that I can’t. That was absolutely how I judged fame when I got the job of Harry Potter. The second thought after, "I’m going to play Harry Potter," was, "Maybe I’ll get to be on Simpsons one day." And I did, so I can die happy.
Photo: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

 The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page

Daniel's message to Brazil

Marion 24 September 2014 0 permalink
Daniel's message to Brazil

Here's a message from Daniel released by Diamond Films Brasil in promotion of What If (Será que?) to fans in Brazil.

Horns: First clips

Marion 24 September 2014 0 permalink
Horns: First clips

The first clips from Horns have been released online via French sources. You could already view the first two on this site's Facebook page (sources: AlloCiné and I have added a third clip below which is released by Ma Chaîne Etudiante.

Forge Press interview

Marion 24 September 2014 0 permalink
Forge Press interview
Forge Press had a chance to talk with Daniel. Read below.

Updated: Daniel Radcliffe featured in book What I Love About Movies

Marion 19 September 2014 0 permalink
Updated: Daniel Radcliffe featured in book What I Love About Movies

Daniel Radcliffe is featured in Little White Lies magazine's upcoming book What I Love About Movies which will be released in the UK on 2nd October 2014. The book features a profile of Daniel's contribution to the world of cinema. There's was an article in today's issue of The Times of London giving a taste of what Daniel loves about movies. Here's his quote: He says he loves the way..
"a band of complete strangers come together and form a family and bring something beautiful and ordered out of that chaos"
The book is available for pre-order on Amazon, but also Waterstones, Barnes and Noble, and other leading bookstores. Thanks to D'Arcy from The Church of London publishing for the news. For more info visit:

4th October 2014. More info and the illustration by Sam Dunn featuring Daniel can be seen here via this site's Facebook page. And talking about Little White Lies, you could have missed this photo of Daniel with issue nr 54 (featured Robert Pattinson)

During the first eight years of its existence, Little White Lies magazine has published countless interviews with some of the biggest names in the movies. These interviews have been rounded off by posing a single, searching question: 'What do you love about movies?' The answers have been entertaining, profound, personal, ridiculous, revealing and unexpected, but always unique. Now for the first time, these declarations of movie passion have been collected into the ultimate one-stop celebration of cinema, with subjects including legendary directors (Francis Ford Coppola, the Coen brothers, Wes Anderson, Steven Soderbergh, Pedro Almodóvar, Darren Aronofsky, Quentin Tarantino, Spike Jonze) as well as A-list icons (Ryan Gosling, Michael Fassbender, Kristen Stewart, Jake Gyllenhaal, Tom Hardy).

Alongside these star-spangled testimonies are newly commissioned illustrations and immaculate art direction care of the award-winning LWLies creative team.

Updated: Interviews: Europe 1 and AlloCiné

Marion 19 September 2014 0 permalink
Updated: Interviews: Europe 1 and AlloCiné

Daniel Radcliffe on NRJ Radio's C'Cauet

Marion 17 September 2014 3 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on NRJ Radio's C'Cauet

Updated(3): Horns Paris premiere

Marion 17 September 2014 0 permalink
Updated(3): Horns Paris premiere

Nationale Filmdagen fotoshoot

Marion 16 September 2014 0 permalink
Nationale Filmdagen fotoshoot

Fotoshoot voor de Nationale Filmdagen (National Film Days) genomen in Amsterdam gisteren in promotie van What If. En er is ook nog een 'behind the scenes' foto via distributeur Dutch FilmWorks.  Voor alle foto's zie

Nationale Filmdagen: meet & greet met Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 16 September 2014 0 permalink
Nationale Filmdagen: meet & greet met Daniel Radcliffe
Pathé had een actie op Facebook. Je kon vrijkaarten voor What If en een meet & greet met Daniel Radcliffe winnen tijdens de Nationale Filmdagen (National Film Days).

De meet & greet was op maandag 15 september 2014 rond 18:00 uur. Hieronder een paar foto's.

(Gedeeld op 6 mei 2019 door Daniel J Radcliffe Holland)

Update: What If NL premiere & opening Nationale Filmdagen

Marion 16 September 2014 0 permalink
Update: What If NL premiere & opening Nationale Filmdagen

Ja hij was in Nederland. Als je het nieuws hebt gemist: Daniel was bij de What If premiere in Pathé Arena in Amsterdam gisteren waar hij -zoals ik eerder meldde- ook officieel de Nationale Filmdagen (National Film Days) heeft geopend, dat betekent dat het mogelijk is om naar de film te gaan voor 5 euro van 18 tot 24 september.

Update: Officiële foto's zijn vrijgegeven, zie hieronder. Ook meer video's o.a de interview van Nafiesa voor Pathé.

Deze video is ook gedeeld op Facebook.

Update(4): What If press junket interviews (NL)

Marion 15 September 2014 1 permalink
Update(4): What If press junket interviews (NL)

Er zijn een paar press junket interviews die zijn opgenomen bij Hotel de L'Europe in Amsterdam. Daniel is hier in Nederland om What If te promoten en de premiere is vanavond. Shownieuws, RTL Boulevard, vind je ook hieronder. De Shownieuws video is inmiddels niet meer op hun site.

Update: Een bericht van Daniel in verband met de Nationale Filmdagen (National Film Days) en de Q-music interview. 
Update: 10 oktober 2014. Show News.
Update: 11 februari 2015. - DVD/Blu-ray release.
Update: 3 mei 2022. Films & Sterren.

De Telegraaf

Pathé's Nafiesa in een kamer met Daniel:

Deze video is ook gedeeld op Facebook.

Prijsvraag: Win vrijkaarten voor What If

Marion 15 September 2014
Prijsvraag: Win vrijkaarten voor What If

In samenwerking met Entertainment One Benelux geeft Daniel J Radcliffe Holland 2x2 vrijkaarten weg voor Daniel Radcliffe's romantische komedie What If (met. o.a. Adam Driver, Zoe Kazan, Megan Park). What If is vanaf donderdag 18 september te zien in de bioscoop.

Wil jij kans maken op kaarten? Hier is de prijsvraag:

Op welk toneelstuk is What If (a.k.a The F Word) gebaseerd?
Stuur een e-mail
met het antwoord (+ je naam & achternaam). Vermeld als onderwerp "prijsvraag What If". Dubbele inzendingen via meerdere e-mail adressen worden niet geaccepteerd.

Deelname staat open tot 22 september (12:00 uur), de winnaars krijgen bericht op 23 september.
Wallace (Daniel Radcliffe) is gestopt met zijn studie en komt net uit een relatie als hij de knappe blondine Chantry (Zoe Kazan) ontmoet met wie hij gelijk een klik heeft. Chantry woont samen en Wallace heeft een nare breakup achter de rug, beiden hebben geen behoefte aan een relatie. De vriendschap bloeit snel op en er lijkt meer te ontstaan, maar hoe ga je om met je gevoelens in de ‘friend zone’? What If is een romantische komedie over twee vrienden die worstelen met de balans tussen vriendschap en liefde.

website: (US)

Daniel Radcliffe interviews Juno Temple for Heroine magazine

Marion 12 September 2014 0 permalink
  Daniel Radcliffe interviews Juno Temple for Heroine magazine

Daniel has been interviewing his Horns co-star Juno Temple for the first issue of UK's Heroine magazine, which is based on the global success of Hero magazine. Below you find a part from the interview.

Daniel: “Do you have any of those moments where you’re just looking at a set full of plaster trees, and you think the film industry is just mad?”
Juno: “Yeah, I mean shooting Maleficent was like that because so much of it was CGI, so I spent most of my time in a giant white room wearing a wetsuit with ping pong balls all over it. I had all these ink dots all over my face and I was filming with a ten foot tall version of Angelina Jolie’s face. I did think, ‘This is a bit mad."

Daniel: “Well there’s a fantastic generation of young female actresses, are there enough roles to go around?”
Juno: “I think things happen for a reason, you’re not going to get every role. Like you say, there are some truly extraordinary young women actresses right now like Jennifer Lawrence, Mia Wasikowska, Elizabeth Olsen...

“You watch them and you forget sometimes that you’re even watching them. They are so young but know the craft in such an old way, and I love that so much. So if the job doesn’t go your way you’re just as excited to see the film anyway. Also, I’m still at a stage where sometimes I look eighteen, some days people tell me I look fourteen which is a bit of a shock... and then sometimes I look twenty five.”


What If NL TV Spot

Marion 9 September 2014 0 permalink
What If NL TV Spot
De TV spot voor What if is vrijgegeven door Entertainment One. De film is vanaf 18 september te zien in de bioscoop.

What If NL poster

Marion 2 September 2014 2 permalink
What If NL poster

Hier is de Nederlandse (tegelijk ook Belgische) poster voor What If met de tagline "Best friends or lovers." vrijgegeven door Entertainment One. What If is vanaf 18 september te zien in de bioscoop.

Foto: Entertainment One
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