Updated: What If press junket interviews (UK) - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: What If press junket interviews (UK)

More What If press junket interviews. These are from the UK which I had not posted yet and there is still more to come. Daniel did also talk about the death of Robin Williams in the first video below from Mail Online. If more appear online I'll add them here. Below you can also find the video from Ode and if you did send in questions with hashtag #AskDanielRadcliffeODE via Twitter, check it out to see if yours is answered. If is now playing in cinemas in the UK. My TFI News interview.

Daily Mail Robin Williams video.

The contest is now closed, but you could win tickets to What If Fan screening.

Update: 1st July 2024. AP Archive video.

About Horns

Photo: YouTube

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