Updated(3): New York Moves magazine Summer issue party + photoshoot and interview - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated(3): New York Moves magazine Summer issue party + photoshoot and interview

Daniel did attend the New York Moves magazine Summer issue party at AVA Lounge at the Dream Hotel yesterday in New York City. Daniel did host the party. He is on the cover of their new issue. You can see more photos from the magazine's photoshoot by Robert Ascroft and read the interview at their website.

Update: 8th September. A short film called Server 1 by Robert Ascroft. More photos from the shoot are posted on his website: robertascroft.com.
Update: 16th October 2016. Another photo.
Update: 13th November 2022. More photos.


Stylemtv.com interview
Embed from Getty Images
Embed from Getty Images

source: newyorkmoves.com
Photos: Getty Images

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