Los 40 video chat & Daniel thanks Mexico for the reception - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Los 40 video chat & Daniel thanks Mexico for the reception

More news from Mexico: Daniel did attend the video chat (#videochat40) from radio station Los 40 principales Mexico yesterday in promotion of What If (Sólo Amigos?). Fans were able to send in questions. There are some photos via Twitter here, here and here. There's also another photo from Daniel's official Google+ page.

Watch the video

For more photos: click here and click here.


Thank you to #MexicoCity for the mind-blowing reception, and to the lovely girl who gave me this sombrero! #whatifmovie  
The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page 

Photos: los40.com.mx, Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

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