Updated(3): Daniel Radcliffe on El Hormiguero Mexico - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated(3): Daniel Radcliffe on El Hormiguero Mexico

While promoting What If (Sólo Amigos?‬) in Mexico Daniel also did visit El Hormiguero. There is only one video available right now which is also viewable outside Mexico. The full video is available on the show's website for Fans in Mexico. Photo via Twitter and here's one via Instagram. Then there's also a short video on Vine. More photos can be found below.

Update: 23rd August 2014. There is a video clip from Azteca.
Update: 9th October 2014. The full video on YouTube isn't blocked by country anymore, well at least I can watch it now here in Holland.
Update: 2nd August 2016. Thanks to Mark the illusionist for sharing his video with Daniel J Radcliffe Holland on Facebook.

Full Video

Via El Hormiguero Mexico on Twitter:




Photos: azteca.com

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