Updated: Daniel Radcliffe on The Morning Show & Kiss 92.5 + What If clips - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: Daniel Radcliffe on The Morning Show & Kiss 92.5 + What If clips

Daniel did visit The Morning show and Kiss 92.5's The Roz & Mocha Show yesterday on his birthday to promote The F Word in Canada. And then there are more What If clips released by US distributor CBS Films. With thanks to Andpop for sharing via a Twitter mention, you can view another clip here.

Update: 14th February 2017. Another Kiss 92.5 photo.

The Morning Show (see a photo here)

Kiss 92.5 (a photo here)

Unedited audio:

The clips:

Photo: YouTube/Kiss 92.5

1 comment:

  1. I like very much these videos! I can't download, but... don't mind!


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