Google+: Letters of Note - There is no money in answering letters - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Google+: Letters of Note - There is no money in answering letters

It's Friday again and that means another post on Daniel's Google+ page regarding Letters of Note (read the first post here if you missed it)  Then there is a little more news from his page. Fans are asked to help choose the new profile picture for his official Google+ page. Read more about that below, starts Monday. I will post the news on the website once the picture has been chosen (but keep you all updated via Twitter/Facebook/Google+)

The Google + profile picture post from yesterday:
Hey Google+ fans! Please help choose Dan's new official profile pic.  Starting Monday one new image will appear every week for three weeks. The photo that receives the most plus 1's will be the winner.  Be sure to continue checking out the page for updates.  Thank you!
The Letters of Love post from today:
It's Friday time for another Letters of Note pick. This week Dan suggests - There is no money in answering letters - a letter from Groucho Marx to Woody Allen. Enjoy.
Here's the link: There is no money in answering letters

The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page.

Photo: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

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