Updated: Happy Birthday Daniel Radcliffe! (24!) - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: Happy Birthday Daniel Radcliffe! (24!)

Yes, today is the day that Daniel Radcliffe turned 24! So from Daniel J Radcliffe Holland:

Happy Birthday Daniel Radcliffe!

Let's hope you will have an awesome day today and wish you all the best for the future.

I hope you all will use the hashtag #HappyBirthdayDanielRadcliffe on Twitter
or re-tweet this site's tweet:

And let's hope it will be a "Trending topic" ;) And ofcourse feel free to comment, mention us at Twitter, or contact via Facebook to wish him a great birthday!

As you all can see, I have updated the site with a new lay-out. Some things still may change, but I hope you all like it.

Then a little bit about the 2013 Birthday Project. Thanks to all for sending in your words. I had 66 submissions in total, even more then last year, so this project seems to be another success. I hope to keep you all updated. The project is set up by María from Glowing Radcliffe and she is working hard on it. 

Update 24th July: María has send the following pictures of the Birthday project which is called "Wordplay" (the lines and frames will be erased later) Some more via our Facebook page.

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