Google+: Daniel Radcliffe's 3rd video diary - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Google+: Daniel Radcliffe's 3rd video diary

This is Daniel's third video diary from his Google+ page. You maybe remember we re-tweeted two photos from Susan Blackwell visiting Daniel backstage at The Cripple of Inishmaan on Twitter. No? number 1 & number 2. Well now here's the video she mentioned back then.

Title: Video Diary 3...
"We are in my dressing room right now or a corner of it and ehm I recently had a friend of mine, who some of you may know, ehm called Susan Blackwell recently came to see the show. And she, we decided that it was time for a repeat of the first interview we did, so I hope you enjoy"

The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page

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