Updated(2): Google+: Flaunt photo taken today/sneak peek photos - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated(2): Google+: Flaunt photo taken today/sneak peek photos

An update regarding Daniel's Google + page: first, a new photo from today. It shows Daniel in front of a mirror with Flaunt written on it.

Update: 22nd June 2013. The picture posted on Dan's Google+ is from a photoshoot for Flaunt magazine (September issue). Today this behind the scenes photo appeared online via Seona Taylor-Bell's Tumblr. (shared via this site's Facebook page)

Then second, two more you might have missed from 2nd April 2013: sneak peek photos from a photoshoot. And did you also check his new profile and cover photo? (since 14th June 2013)

Update: 31st May 2015. The profile and the photoshoot photos below are from a shoot by Tyler Udall.

Okay! Just one more....
The Google+ links at this page are Dan's posts shared via this site's Google+ page

Photos: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

1 comment:

  1. "Flaunt" photo is very interesting. I look my dictionary: "flaunt" is like "a vain person". And Dan, in fact, DON'T look in the mirror, but above him! I see a symbol in this photo, like he says: I'm NOT a flaunt!This is what I've seen in it, but maybe I'm wrong, and it's only a funny self-irony! :-)


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