June 2013 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated(2): Daniel Radcliffe's next guest role: back on The Simpsons

Marion 28 June 2013 0 permalink
Updated(2): Daniel Radcliffe's next guest role: back on The Simpsons

EW is reporting that Daniel has recorded another role for The Simpsons. Daniel appeared on The Simpsons for the first time in 2010's Treehouse of Horror XXI as Edmund. The upcoming 25th season of The Simpsons will also feature celebrity guests as Kristen Wiig, Will Arnett, Eva Longoria and Elisabeth Moss.
In an episode airing this coming season, Bart will encounter Diggs (Radcliffe), a strange older boy with a passion for falconry, among other things. “Diggs is a combination of Holden Caulfield, Finny from A Separate Peace and the kids in Lord of the Flies — only a little more screwed up,” executive producer Al Jean tells EW.
Why did the producers bring him back? “I had the pleasure of meeting him after one of his performances in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, and he is one of the people who actually listens to Simpsons DVD commentaries,” quips Jean. “Also, he was terrific.”
Update: 8th January 2014. Fox announced that Daniel's second The Simpsons guest voice episode called Diggs is set to air 9th March 2014.
Update: 23rd January 2014. The first still is released featuring Daniel's charater Diggs which was posted on Daniel's Google+ page.

The 25th season will begin airing on Fox on September 29, 2013.

The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page.

source/photo: Fox (Facebook), EW

The Cripple of Inishmaan - theatrical trailer

Marion 26 June 2013 2 permalink
The Cripple of Inishmaan - theatrical trailer

The Michael Grandage Company just uploaded the theatrical trailer for The Cripple of Inishmaan. Tickets still available.

Updated: WhatsOnStage group outing post-show Q&A The Cripple of Inishmaan

Marion 25 June 2013 1 permalink
Updated: WhatsOnStage group outing post-show Q&A The Cripple of Inishmaan
Whatsonstage.com tweeted live from their group outing post-show Q&A with cast members of The Cripple of Inishmaan which took place yesterday evening. You could follow the Q&A live via their website or by following #WOSouting. Below you can view the tweets regarding Daniel.

27th June 2013. Photos from the Q&A via WhatsOnStage's Facebook.

10:15 @WhatsOnStage: Now joined by cast members - Daniel Radcliffe, Padraic Delaney & Sarah Greene.

10:17 @WhatsOnStage: Radcliffe talks about his visceral response to the play on a first reading & how important challenging himself is #wosouting

10:22 @WhatsOnStage: Radcliffe on how he plays the disability, given it's not exactly defined in the script. He'd prepared in advance of rehearsals. #wosouting

10:29 @WhatsOnStage: Radcliffe slips into accent talking about the play. #wosouting

10:32 @WhatsOnStage: Thanks to everyone for joining us for the #WOSOuting + q&a

10:42 @MichaelGrandage: Great audience tonight and enjoyable q&a with the #wosouting afterwards. Thanks guys!

Updated(2): Google+: Flaunt photo taken today/sneak peek photos

Marion 21 June 2013 1 permalink
Updated(2): Google+: Flaunt photo taken today/sneak peek photos

An update regarding Daniel's Google + page: first, a new photo from today. It shows Daniel in front of a mirror with Flaunt written on it.

Update: 22nd June 2013. The picture posted on Dan's Google+ is from a photoshoot for Flaunt magazine (September issue). Today this behind the scenes photo appeared online via Seona Taylor-Bell's Tumblr. (shared via this site's Facebook page)

Then second, two more you might have missed from 2nd April 2013: sneak peek photos from a photoshoot. And did you also check his new profile and cover photo? (since 14th June 2013)

Update: 31st May 2015. The profile and the photoshoot photos below are from a shoot by Tyler Udall.

Okay! Just one more....
The Google+ links at this page are Dan's posts shared via this site's Google+ page

Photos: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe at The Cripple of Inishmaan press night - after party

Marion 19 June 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe at The Cripple of Inishmaan press night - after party

Daniel and the rest of the cast, (including Sarah Greene, Pat Short,Gary Lilburn, Ingrid Craigie, Gillian Hanna, Connor MacNeill, Padraic Delaney and June Watson) writer Martin Mcdonagh & director Michael Grandage at The Cripple of Inishmaan Opening (press) night & after party last night at the National Gallery cafe in London.

Photos: Getty Images

More Stage photos from The Cripple of Inishmaan + first reviews

Marion 19 June 2013 0 permalink
More Stage photos from The Cripple of Inishmaan + first reviews

Updated: Daniel Radcliffe on the Xfm Breakfast Show

Marion 18 June 2013 0 permalink
Updated: Daniel Radcliffe on the Xfm Breakfast Show

The promotion for The Cripple of Inishmaan is going great, this morning you could listen to Daniel on the Xfm Breakfast Show with Jon Holmes (104.9 in London) where Daniel also played 'Band or Ghost'.

Update: 20th June 2013. The podcast is released on iTunes.

Interview starts at 13:40

source: xfm.co.uk

Updated: BBC News: Daniel Radcliffe 'pleased with Irish accent' in The Cripple of Inishmaan

Marion 18 June 2013 1 permalink
Updated: BBC News: Daniel Radcliffe 'pleased with Irish accent' in The Cripple of Inishmaan

Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 4's Front Row Weekly

Marion 17 June 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 4's Front Row Weekly

You could listen to the interview from Front Row Weekly's Mark Lawson with Daniel on BBC Radio 4 (19:15, for Holland 20:15) today. They talked about The Cripple of Inishmaan, Dr Who and more. If you missed it, don't worry because you can listen back.

- Listen via  iPlayer
- A free download.
- iTunes podcast

source: bbc.co.uk

Updated(2): Matt Crockett photoshoot

Marion 17 June 2013 0 permalink
Updated(2): Matt Crockett photoshoot

Updated: Daniel Radcliffe on Capital FM Breakfast Show

Marion 17 June 2013 0 permalink
Updated: Daniel Radcliffe on Capital FM Breakfast Show

Daniel visited the Capital FM London's Breakfast Show last Friday. The interview with Dave Berry and Lisa Snowdon aired this morning (95.8)

Update: 18th June 2013. Demelza House added this photo to their Facebook (shared by this site). It's their Bartley Bear. Listen to the Capital FM interview.

Bartley Bear has plans to celebrate Demelza's 15th birthday with some special friends.
Daniel Radcliffe popped in to chat about his latest play, The Cripple of Inishmaan , but we couldn't let him leave without facing the world famous Capital Breakfast show interrogation!

Full interview:

source: capitalfm.com

Daniel Radcliffe on the Andrew Marr Show

Marion 16 June 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on the Andrew Marr Show

Daniel talked mainly about The Cripple of Inishmaan with Jeremy Vine during the Andrew Marr Show which aired today on BBC One. It also featured a short recording of the play and some new photos. There is also a photo on Twitter. There's  a clip here.

source: bbc.co.uk

Daniel Radcliffe chats with Susan Blackwell about The Cripple of Inishmaan

Marion 13 June 2013 1 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe chats with Susan Blackwell about The Cripple of Inishmaan

Broadway.com correspondent Susan Blackwell caught up with  Daniel via phone—their first public conversation since she tried to instruct him in the fine art of household cleanliness.
Susan: Hey, Daniel!

Dan: Hey, Susan!

Susan: So, you’re headed back to the West End, rehearsing The Cripple of Inishmaan, preparing for a 12-week limited engagement as part of The Grandage Season. Here’s the question on everybody’s mind: Are you still sorting your own laundry these days?

Dan: [laughing] Yes, that is what the world wants to know!
Read more at broadway.com

source: broadway.com

Birthday Project 2013 in partnership with Glowing Radcliffe, Portal Radcliffe & danielradcliffe.de

Marion 12 June 2013 7 permalink
Birthday Project 2013 in partnership with Glowing Radcliffe, Portal Radcliffe & danielradcliffe.de

Daniel's 24th birthday is coming up (23rd July 2013) and this year Daniel J Radcliffe Holland joins the birthday project set up by Glowing Radcliffe together with Portal Radcliffe  & danielradcliffe.de to show Daniel support from all over the world. And you, as our site visitor, can join! Read all about the project below. And please do spread the word on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc.

What is it about?
Words. We will collect the fans' favorite words and then transcribe them in a book, then send it to Dan.

How can I join?
You just have to fill in the form, like it is posted below, including name, age, country, the word you've chosen and its meaning. This sounds really easy, can I send the amount of words I want/whatever word I want? We will only choose 1 word per fan, if you want to send another word and want to send you have to let us know in the “more info” box in the form. We won't be accentis nasty words, words that don't exist in any kind of language (we accept them if the do in different dialects). Words like “love” “cute” “beauty” and such won't be considered into the project because we're looking for originality (we all have one weird word we love!)

Will I receive a confirmation e-mail once I'm in the project?
We will only answer these that have to change the word because they don't follow the rules, so if you didn't get an answer it's because your word is in. If you're not sure we received your submission you can e-mail the site (see below) or message/post via Facebook.

Does the word have to be related to Daniel?
No. It's your favorite word we're talking about, it doesn't have to be related to Daniel. If it is, that's awesome!

What if the word I chose has already been chosen by somebody else?

It's cool, if that happens the fans that chose that word will be listed under the meaning of it.

How will you sort them into the book?

On a first-come.

Do I have to pay for something?

No, joining the project is free.

Can I spread the word about the project?

Sure! The more, the merrier.

When's the deadline?
July 21st, Time: 0:00

Will we get an answer from Dan?
We don't know, in the last two projects his agency answered us. We hope so!

--- FORM:
Language of your chosen word (in case it is in another language that's not your native language):
More Info:

Send an e-mail (please use as subject: "Birthday Project 2013" or use "question Birthday Project 2013" if you have a question)

US release date for Frankenstein adaption

Marion 10 June 2013 1 permalink
US release date for Frankenstein adaption
The Frankenstein adaption I reported about some time before (production will start late summer in the UK), in which Daniel is set to play Igor, is given a US release date by Twentieth Century Fox which is 17th October 2014. No other dates have been confirmed yet (like the UK or NL)

Then sfx.co.uk posted an interview online with screenwriter Max Landis and also talked with him about Frankenstein.
I’m finding it difficult to imagine a Frankenstein movie with Daniel Radcliffe as Igor, what kind of tone does Frankenstein have?
Yeah, good. That’s a good thing. It’s not a comedy. My version to Frankenstein is a tribute to a few different things, the themes are about friendship and the idea that by working together and combining our resources and personalities we end up doing a form of soft science where we can create things we would never have been able to do on our own. But when you do this chemistry, this chemistry between people, you end up with a lot of volatile reactions that can spin you out and send you in different directions, to forgive a hackneyed term, it can start fires between people, and a lot of fires get started in this script.

It’s also about science and the idea that science is good and genius is good and important and we shouldn’t hide from the future, which is a new message for Frankentstein, because generally Frankenstein is a much more “don’t tamper in the realm of God”. This has almost the opposite message. It’s all about human achievement. It’s tremendously action-packed. It’s very dialogue-heavy. I think it has some of the best dialogue I’ve ever written. It’s very hearfelt. I would compare it most directly to the movie The Social Network, in terms of tone, in terms of look, if you added action and romance to The Social Network. Also, before you shun Radcliffe as Igor, what you don’t know Igor’s role in this script and Igor might not be who you think he is.
source: horrorcultfilms.co.uk, sfx.co.uk

Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 1's The Matt Edmondson Show

Marion 9 June 2013 1 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 1's The Matt Edmondson Show

Daniel played some pie tennis during todays broadcast of the BBC Radio 1's The Matt Edmondson Show (which was recorded back in May). If you missed it this morning, you can listen back to the episode on BBC's iPlayer (until 7 days after the broadcast and get a free download). And watch the video below.

Whoever wins the Pie Tennis can tweet whatever they want via the Twitter page from the other - and well since Dan hasn't got Twitter - Matt can text to someone from Dan's phone, well if he wins. You want to know who won? Scroll down. A photo via BBC Radio 1 and Daniel's Google+.

source: bbc.co.uk

The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page.

Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 2's Arts Show with Claudia Winkleman

Marion 8 June 2013 1 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 2's Arts Show with Claudia Winkleman

Yesterday was the day of the broadcast from the BBC Radio 2 Arts Show with Claudia Winkleman like I announced before via Facebook. Daniel talked about Michael Grandage's The Cripple of Inishmaan.

You missed it?
- Listen via iPlayer (up to 7 days after the broadcast)
- Download link
Daniel Radcliffe plays the title role in the first major London revival since 1996. Martin McDonagh's comic masterpiece examines an ordinary coming of age in extraordinary circumstances, confirming his position as one of the most original Irish voices to emerge in the second half of the twentieth century.
The Cripple of Inishmaan has it's first preview today at the Noël Coward Theatre in London. To Daniel and the rest the cast: Break a leg!

source: bbc.co.uk

Updated: Daniel Radcliffe wins Man Of The Year award at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards

Marion 5 June 2013 1 permalink
Updated: Daniel Radcliffe wins Man Of The Year award at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards

Daniel attended the Glamour Women of the Year Awards at the Berkeley Square Gardens in London yesterday where he won the Man Of The Year Award which was presented by Horns co-star Juno Temple. Congrats Dan! Dan's Google+ picture

8th June 2013. Daniel's full acceptance speech is added below.

Juno Temple:

"For the past decade, we have known and loved him as a boy wizard, but in the last few years we've come to realise just how talented he is"
Daniel Radcliffe:
"Thank you very much, I did feel for Ronnie Corbett earlier. Thank you GLAMOUR, this is very, very surreal. And thank you to GLAMOUR to being very, very supportive of my career… I'd also like to say thank you as Kanye West was a previous recipient of this award, so I now have something in common with Kanye West, which I would never have predicted."

source: glamourmagazine.co.uk
Photos: Getty Images

The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page

The Cripple of Inishmaan rehearsal photos

Marion 3 June 2013 0 permalink
The Cripple of Inishmaan rehearsal photos

We had seen only a few by now, but more rehearsal photos for The Cripple of Inishmaan by Marc Brenner have been released online and can be viewed right here.

Daniel Radcliffe: ''My drive is to prove I'm not a one-trick pony''

Marion 2 June 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe: ''My drive is to prove I'm not a one-trick pony''
Here's a new interview from The Guardian's The Observer which got published online today. He talks about various topics such as The Cripple of Inishmaan (and some earlier projects), music, tattoos etc. The photo above is from Daniel in rehearsals for The Cripple of Inishmaan.

Another interview:
- Irish Times
Your latest role is in Martin McDonagh's play The Cripple of Inishmaan. What made you want to play Billy, the "cripple" of the title?
Michael Grandage, the director, presented me with three or four plays, and as soon as I read Cripple there was no contest. I'm very much the tragic relief of this play: Billy has a few funny lines but a lot of the comedy comes out of people being incredibly cruel to my character. Which I'm very, very happy with. I've learned that I really enjoy stage violence. I was lucky enough to spend a lot of my lunchtimes as a child choreographing fight scenes on Potter. So I'm quite good at it: the stunt department always said that I bounce.

Read more at The Observer
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