Daniel Radcliffe presents & performs at the 2013 Oscars - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Daniel Radcliffe presents & performs at the 2013 Oscars

Daniel presented (Best Production Design together with Kristen Stewart, won by Lincoln) and also performed on stage together with Seth MacFarlane and Joseph Gordon-Levit at the Oscars (85th Academy Awards) yesterday. I noticed that 'Daniel Radcliff' (wrong but well they mean Dan) was also trending worldwide on Twitter. View all the Oscar winners. Photos via Daniel's Google+: picture 1 | picture 2 | picture 3 and some via the official Instagram Academy Awards account: picture 1 | picture 2 |

(Includes Daniel presenting and performing)

Daniel at 6:30

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Photos: Getty Images

The Google+ link at this page is Dan's post shared via this site's Google+ page.

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