2013 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Happy New Year, 2014!

Marion 31 December 2013 1 permalink
Happy New Year, 2014!

It's 31st December, the last day of the year where we look back at 2013 and move towards 2014.

Some highlights from 2013:

- Awards: Empire AwardsOscar Awards, Glamour Awards: Man of the Year, Attitude magazine Awards: Best Actor, Broadwayworld.com UK awards: Best Leading Actor in A New Production of a Play, for The Cripple of Inishmaan.
- Sad news: Richard Griffiths (Harry Potter & Equus) died at age 65.
- Kill Your Darlings promotion: Sundance Film Festival, Venice Film Festival & Toronto International Film Festival
- Toronto International Film Festival premieres: Horns, Kill Your Darlings and The F Word.
- Film release: Kill Your Darlings
- TV: A Young Doctor's Notebook and Other stories, series 2 on Sky Arts
- Principal photography: Frankenstein

What's coming up in 2014:

- Guest voice: The Simpsons
- Film releases: Kill Your Darlings release (Germany & Holland), The F Word & Horns

Thank you
I would like to thank all the visitors and the site's affiliates/partners for their support this year and everyone else who has been in contact with DJR Holland.

Social Media
This year DJR Holland passed 33.000 followers on Twitter (and is almost at 34.000) which is amazing, so a huge thanks to all of you who follow! And on Facebook DJR Holland has 5.600+ followers. Do "like" the site's page if you haven't already. (also for some extra news besides the news I post here)

I wish you all..
Then I only have one more thing to say, enjoy the last hours of 2013 and

Happy New Year!

↪ Don't forget to follow Daniel J Radcliffe Holland's Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

First look: Daniel Radcliffe on The Kumars

Marion 27 December 2013 1 permalink
First look: Daniel Radcliffe on The Kumars

I did already post about Daniel's upcoming guest appearance on The Kumars on Facebook. (including a photo from Mary O'Regan, and there is one from Joe Bor) Sky released promos which you can view below. The first episode with Daniel features also guests Chevy Chase and Olivia Colman and will air on Wednesday 15th January, 9pm, Sky 1 HD. Photos via snitchseeker.com.
After being hit hard during the economic downturn, The Kumars are now living in a flat in Hounslow behind the shop that Dad, Ashwin, now runs. Host Sanjeev is divorced from his wife of nearly two years and Ashwin has secured a sponsorship deal that has enabled him to resurrect the family's talk show, which takes place in the living room of their flat. And Grandma Ummi is glad to be back in her natural environment - with celebrities.

Merry Christmas from Sky HD UK

Marion 22 December 2013 0 permalink
Merry Christmas from Sky HD UK

A Christmas TV advertisement from Sky HD which features Daniel shortly.

Daniel Radcliffe on Daybreak

Marion 19 December 2013 1 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on Daybreak

ITV's Daybreak aired their interview with Daniel Radcliffe this morning. It's one which was recorded back in October. Daniel talks with Daybreak's Kate about Frankenstein and Kill Your Darlings. A clip from the interview can be viewed below. Or view the video at Daybreak's website (UK only)

Daniel Radcliffe on Free Radio and Eagle Radio

Marion 16 December 2013 5 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on Free Radio and Eagle Radio
More Radio interviews in which Daniel promotes the UK release of Kill Your Darlings. First off you could have missed Eagle Radio (96.4)'s Adam and Bev Breakfast chat with Daniel.

Then there is also Free Radio with Foxy and Giuliano. Daniel called them this morning at 8:15. You can listen to that interview by clicking the link below.

source: 964eagle.co.uk & freeradio.co.uk

The Culture Show podcast, Daniel records video message and more

Marion 13 December 2013 0 permalink
The Culture Show podcast, Daniel records video message and more

First off I just posted a link to the podcast from The Culture Show (URN - Student Radio for Nottingham) on Facebook. They talked with him about "Beat Writers, fame, and underwear" in promotion of Kill Your Darlings. Some new interviews also appeared online today: Bedfordhire on Sunday, MKweb & Image Magazine Northamptonshire.

Then something else. On Wednesday 11th December Emma Watson visited the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London where she gave some kids presents, signed some things to brighten up their day. Daniel did record a video message for Laughlin Whiteley which posted the following on Twitter:

Daniel Radcliffe contributes items for SAG auction

Marion 13 December 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe contributes items for SAG auction

Daniel has donated a few items for the SAG Awards auction. The proceeds go to the SAG Foundation's BookPALS, which puts actors into classrooms so they can read to children, and Storyline Online, which attracts over 2 million global views each month, according to a release. The auction also supports the SAG Foundation's Catastrophic Health Fund and Emergency Assistance programs for performers in need.

The items Daniel has contributed are:

- a signed copy of 
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

- a signed copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

- a signed Kill Your Darlings poster (Daniel Radcliffe and Dane DeHaan)

Bidding concludes on 15th December.

source: sagawards.org/eBay

Daniel Radcliffe signs Christmas card for charity

Marion 10 December 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe signs Christmas card for charity

Daniel Radcliffe has signed a Christmas card for the 2013 celebrity Xmas card charity auction by Robin Miller from TheLucky13Challenge. He is currently focused on fundraising for Great Ormond Street Hospital, Maggie's Centres & Children with Cancer UK. Harry Potter co-star Rupert Grint is one of the other celebrities who also signed a card. View all auction items here. A huge thanks to Robin Miller for the Twitter mention.

Bid now
View on eBay

But remember: Bidding on the card signed by Daniel is possible until 16th December, 2013 18:56:34 GMT.

Daniel Radcliffe on BBC World Service Radio's The Arts Hour

Marion 9 December 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on BBC World Service Radio's The Arts Hour
Daniel talked about his role in Kill Your Darlings on BBC World Radio Service Radio's The Arts Hour. It aired on Sunday 8th December. Listen to it via iPlayer

Daniel Radcliffe introduces Kill Your Darlings screening at Cineworld Haymarket

Marion 8 December 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe introduces Kill Your Darlings screening at Cineworld Haymarket

The official Kill Your Darlings UK Facebook page already announced earlier this week (also via Twitter) that Daniel would be introducing the Kill Your Darlings screening yesterday, 7th December at Cineworld Haymarket 8:45 PM. Some photos below. Follow also the hashtag #CineworldKYD.

Photos: Getty Images

Updated: Daniel Radcliffe and Dane DeHaan on Heat Radio

Marion 7 December 2013 0 permalink
Updated: Daniel Radcliffe and Dane DeHaan on Heat Radio

Daniel Radcliffe and Dane DeHaan did chat to Heat Radio's (from Heat magazine) Boyd Hilton about Kill Your Darlings. If you missed it, don't worry.  You can listen to the interview via soundcloud below or (update: 9th December) to the podcast via iTunes

source: heatworld.com

Daniel Radcliffe on The Graham Norton Show

Marion 7 December 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on The Graham Norton Show

Daniel was a guest on The Graham Norton Show which aired yesterday on BBC One. He was there to promote Kill Your Darlings - in UK cinemas now-. Watch it below or you can also watch this episode via BBC's iPlayer.

Full episode (no video available right now)

The BBC clips

source: bbc.co.uk
Photos: Getty Images

A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories: episode 4 preview

Marion 6 December 2013 0 permalink
A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories: episode 4 preview

There is a preview released by Sky Arts for episode 4 of A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories. For those of you who have seen episode 3, I hope you did enjoy Daniel as a "Pierrot" clown.

Photos here via The Daily Mail.

Anyway up to the preview from the last episode: Episode 4 Preview Clip: Paying Tribute
"It is incomprehensible...that Pelageya, built as a she was, like an ox, could be felled by something so small as a Typhoid louse." Not quite the tribute Anna was hoping for, from Young Doctor.
source: sky.com/arts

IndieLondon's interview with Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 6 December 2013 0 permalink
IndieLondon's interview with Daniel Radcliffe
Below you find IndieLondon's interview with Daniel in promotion of Kill Your Darlings. With thanks to them for the mention on Twitter. Read the full interview at indielondon.co.uk.

Q. When did you first get involved with this project? It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
Daniel Radcliffe: It has been a while. When I was doing Equus in New York, John Krokidas, the director of the film, came and saw it and I think that was what started him considering me for the role. I auditioned for him back then, which would have been about 2009, and was moving forward with it. But then I became unavailable because the filming got pushed back and I had to go off and shoot Harry Potter 6, I guess it would have been. They then re-cast the film with Jesse Eisenberg, Chris Evans and Ben Whishaw but financing fell through again. And when John was re-starting things, he came to me and said: “I know it’s been a while but would you still be up for doing this?” Even though it had been re-cast and somebody else was going to be playing my role, I never quite let go of the film. I never quite let go of the idea because I’d had such a great time working with John just from the preparation sessions together. So, when it came back round I was very excited and ready to start.

Empire magazine: The Empire Film podcast

Marion 6 December 2013 0 permalink
Empire magazine: The Empire Film podcast
Empire magazine has uploaded their Empire Film Podcast interview with Daniel Radcliffe in which he talks about American Football and ofcourse also Kill Your Darlings. I did already post a preview online back in September. You can also listen to the podcast via iTunes.

(Daniel's interview starts at 1:00)
source: empireonline.com

MSN: Daniel Radcliffe and Dane DeHaan answer Skype questions

Marion 6 December 2013 0 permalink
MSN: Daniel Radcliffe and Dane DeHaan answer Skype questions

Back in October, MSN Entertainment UK gave fans the chance to ask Daniel Radcliffe and Kill Your Darlings co-star Dane DeHaan a question via Skype. They now have released the video online. Maybe you did send in a question and are featured in it? You can check it now. Kill Your Darlings is out today in the UK. Book tickets.

The Twitter mention from back in October

Edit: Since the above video doesn't seem to load. Another one
source: uk.msn.com

Time Out London magazine interview

Marion 5 December 2013 0 permalink
Time Out London magazine interview
Interview by Time Out London in promotion of Kill Your Darlings.

In Kill Your Darlings you play Allen Ginsberg just as he starts uni. What’s he like?
‘He’s at that age when there’s a gap between who you are and who you want to be. You’re trying to find your identity and become independent. Reading Allen’s diaries you get a clear picture of him having belief in his own intellect. He has a pretty good idea that he’s going to be important. But not much of that confidence transfers to his social life.’

Read more at  timeout.com

Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 4's The Film Programme

Marion 5 December 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 4's The Film Programme
Presenter Francine Stock talked to Daniel Radcliffe and Dane Dehaan today about Kill Your Darlings on BBC Radio 4's  The Film Programme. If you missed this episode you can listen via BBC's iPlayer but you can also download the podcast (duration 28 minutes).

Daniel Radcliffe on RTÉ With Seán Rocks, exclusive Kill Your Darlings clip

Marion 5 December 2013 1 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on RTÉ With Seán Rocks, exclusive Kill Your Darlings clip
Seán Rocks from RTÉ Ireland Radio 1's Arena With Seán Rocks interviewed Daniel and Dane DeHaan and reviewed Kill Your Darlings which aired yesterday. Listen + download

Then there is also an exclusive clip from Kill Your Darlings via Shortlist magazine.
We've got an exclusive clip from the film here which shows a raucous montage of Radcliffe and co-star Dane DeHaan tear books up, listen to jazz, smoke and other rebellious things.

Kill Your Darlings clip: Allen Ginsberg meets Lucien Carr

Marion 3 December 2013 0 permalink
Kill Your Darlings clip: Allen Ginsberg meets Lucien Carr

Total Film released an exclusive Kill Your Darlings clip of Allen Ginsberg meeting Lucien Carr which you can view below. They also released two other videos, which are interviews with Daniel and Dane.

Kill Your Darlings is in UK cinemas from 6 December 2013.

First on set photos from Frankenstein

Marion 2 December 2013 4 permalink
First on set photos from Frankenstein

A week ago, principal photography did start for Frankenstein, starring Daniel Radcliffe, James McAvoy, Jessica Brown and recently announced: Andrew Scott. The first on set photos  have been released online, featuring Daniel as Igor with hair extensions. Frankenstein is currently filming on location in Kent’s Historic Dockyard. See photos here.

Daniel Radcliffe on Heart FM Saturday Breakfast

Marion 30 November 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on Heart FM Saturday Breakfast

Back in September Daniel visited a few Radio shows including Heart (106.2 FM) Saturday Breakfast. That interview aired this morning. He talks mainly about Sky Arts' A Young Doctor's Notebook, but also about those new upcoming Harry Potter movies written by JK Rowling (which he isn't involved in, but got to answer a lot of questions about). The photo: Daniel and Heart FM's Lucy.

Interview part 1, interview part 2

source: heart.co.uk

BAFTA Guru: Audio from the A Young Doctor's Notebook Q&A

Marion 29 November 2013 0 permalink
BAFTA Guru: Audio from the A Young Doctor's Notebook Q&A

On Thursday 14th November Daniel did attend the BAFTA Q&A for A Young Doctor's Notebook together with writers Alan Connor, Mark Chappell and Shaun Pye and director Robert McKillop to discuss the show and its direction ahead of the start of its second season on Sky Arts. BAFTA Guru released the audio today.

source: guru.bafta.org

Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 5 Live's Kermode & Mayo's Film Review

Marion 29 November 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 5 Live's Kermode & Mayo's Film Review
Today Daniel was on BBC Radio 5 live's Kermode & Mayo's Film Review where he talked about Kill Your Darlings. If you missed it you can listen back via BBC's iPlayer (until 7 days after the broadcast, Daniel's interview starts at 38:35) or via the video below and iTunes's podcast. There is also a free download.

A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories: Episode 3 preview

Marion 29 November 2013 0 permalink
A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories: Episode 3 preview

Sky Arts released a new preview for next week's 3rd episode of A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories.
What if she asks him to dance? Young Doctor's head has been turned by the beautiful, aristocratic Natasha and perfecting his waltz is a high priority.
Episode 3 Preview Clip: The Waltz

Then here's a great promotional gif:

source/photo: sky.com/arts

The Kill Your Darlings Cut Up exhibition (video + win a signed poster), SRA interview

Marion 25 November 2013 0 permalink
The Kill Your Darlings Cut Up exhibition (video + win a signed poster), SRA interview

The Kill Your Darlings Cut Up art exhibition (which you could follow via Twitter with #KYDcutUP) across London has come to an end. Below a wrap video. Then The Works gives you the chance to win a cut up of the Kill Your Darlings film poster signed by Daniel Radcliffe, all you have to do is "like" their wrap video to enter.

The SRA (Student Radio Association) released their interview with Daniel today in which he (ofcourse) talks about Kill Your Darlings and the Cut Up Competition. Listen to their chat below.
Winner of Best Newcomer at the Student Radio Awards 2013, supported by BBC Radio 1 and Global Radio, Ben Sheppard, caught up with Dan about the new film, scrabble and Jennifer Lawrence.

or to the podcast via iTunes. They also shared the news that the SRA teamed up with The Works UK to give Students the chance to win a private screening for their university before the film’s release on 6th December.
Getting involved is easy, all you need to do is getting as many people as possible tweeting your station name using the hashtage #KYDCutUp - the station with the most Twitter love by the end of the week will win the pre-release screening at their University! Any questions? Just email Marketing Officer, Tom Williams.
source: studentradio.org.uk/The Works UK

Daniel Radcliffe wins BroadwayWorld UK award (The Cripple of Inishmaan)

Marion 25 November 2013 1 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe wins BroadwayWorld UK award (The Cripple of Inishmaan)

A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories: Episode 2 preview, Absolute Radio interview

Marion 23 November 2013 0 permalink
A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories: Episode 2 preview, Absolute Radio interview

Sky Arts released a episode 2 preview - Unexpected guests cause a stir in the hospital as the Russian civil war continues - of A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories and then there is also another interview: Love, Lust and Morphine - Radcliffe talks awkward love scenes, new lusts and Young Doctor's addiction. -

Apart from the news from Sky Arts you also could have missed the Absolute Radio interview in which Daniel talks about A Young Doctor's Notebook and Other Stories with Pete Donaldson.

source: sky.com/arts, absoluteradio.co.uk

Kill Your Darlings Cut Up Art exhibition launch: interviews

Marion 22 November 2013 0 permalink
Kill Your Darlings Cut Up Art exhibition launch: interviews

There are two interviews from the Kill Your Darlings Cut Up exhibition launch last night and then there's also the interview from London Tonight which took place live from Waterloo Train Station in London. If more interviews do appear online later, I will add them here.

2 videos from RedVIPcarpet

BAFTA Guru: Daniel Radcliffe on acting

Marion 22 November 2013 0 permalink
BAFTA Guru: Daniel Radcliffe on acting

BAFTA Guru recently caught up with Daniel to discuss preparation, fear & challenges.
We caught up with Kill Your Darlings and Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe to find out what he looks for in a role, which co-stars have inspired him and why fear can help acting skills.

Hear from more actors on BAFTA Guru: guru.bafta.org/craft/acting

Daniel Radcliffe attends Kill Your Darlings Cut Up Art exhibition launch

Marion 21 November 2013 1 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe attends Kill Your Darlings Cut Up Art exhibition launch

Daniel launched the Kill Your Darlings Cut Up art exhibition today at Waterloo Train Station in London. If u see the exhibition in London in the next 3 days don't forget to tweet the name of the location with 4 a chance to win preview tickets (Twitter competition). Photos via @KYDFilmUK on Twitter: photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4.

Photos of the photocall can be seen below. Daniel also did some interviews regarding the release of Kill Your Darlings and the Cut Up exhibition. So more news to come. Here's a photo from Kanitta Meechubot. And there are also photos via the film's Facebook page.

The photocall:

Photos: Getty Images

Daniel Radcliffe and Dane DeHaan introduce the #KYDcutUP Twitter competition

Marion 21 November 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe and Dane DeHaan introduce the #KYDcutUP Twitter competition

The Kill Your Darlings Cut Up exhibition will launch today at a secret location in London. Daniel will be there too. Tune in to London Tonight on ITV1 at 6.15 PM. Congratulations to all the winners of the competition!

View the winning art submissions on Facebook

But there is also the Twitter competition for those of you who want to win tickets to an exclusive preview screening. Yes I did post about it before, but there is now a video released in which Daniel and Dane DeHaan introduce the competition.

For this first of a kind exhibition, running from 21-23 November featuring a selection of original cut-up artworks, submitted by artists and designers via a national Facebook initiative.

The exhibition will be projected at key locations around London being seen by thousands of people.

If YOU spot a projection, take a picture and tweet it using #KYDcutUP for a chance to win tickets to an exclusive preview screening of Kill Your Darlings.

Search for #KYDcutUP on Twitter to join the cut-up conversation.
more info via Facebook.

Daniel Radcliffe: "Celebrities who tweet "moment to moment" can't expect a private life"

Marion 21 November 2013 1 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe: "Celebrities who tweet "moment to moment" can't expect a private life"

Sky News did speak to Daniel ahead of the Sky Drama launch back in September. Dan mentioned again (well he can't say it enough) that he has no Facebook and Twitter. He said that using social media to "tell everybody what you're doing", means people will ignore requests for privacy.

A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories: Behind the curtain, preview clip episode 1

Marion 20 November 2013 1 permalink
A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories: Behind the curtain, preview clip episode 1

Take a look behind the scenes of the 2nd series of A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories plus a preview clip from episode 1 and episode guide (starts tomorrow at 9pm Sky Arts)
Scrub up! We're taking you for an exclusive look behind the scenes of our favourite Russian hospital, and Daniel Radcliffe reveals how he was almost tricked into recording opera vocals for the new series.
click on the picture to view the video

Series 2 Episode 1 preview Clip - The Shortfall
There's a morphine shortfall the size of a pond and Young Doctor thinks he knows how to fix it. By changing the past!
Episode Guide for episode 1:
It's 1918 and civil war rages throughout Russia, but has yet to reach the remote hospital in Mureyvo. The Young Doctor and midwife, Pelageya, are in a relationship, albeit one based primarily on the fact she is able to both facilitate and conceal his morphine addiction. Skip to 1935 and an upbeat, rehabilitated Older Doctor is in Moscow being discharged from the institution he was sent to at the end of series one. He returns to his memories of 1918 through his notebook and in contrast to the first series, he now loves life and is no longer sneering towards his younger self.

The hospital learn that the Zemstvo is coming for an inspection, sending the Young Doctor and Pelageya into a panic as they might uncover the morphine shortfall.

But under the cynical eyes of the Older Doctor, they cover their tracks by re-filling the morphine bottles with water. The arrival of a group of injured Bolshevik soldiers means the Young Doctor's skills are fully tested.
source: sky.com

Cork Film Festival: Daniel Radcliffe's video introduction for Kill Your Darlings

Marion 20 November 2013 0 permalink
Cork Film Festival: Daniel Radcliffe's video introduction for Kill Your Darlings

The Cork Film Festival (November 9 - 17, 2013) did screen Kill Your Darlings (special presentation) on Saturday 16th November at the Cork Opera House in Ireland. A special video introduction from Daniel Radcliffe, recorded by Rachel King, did screen before the film which you can now watch below. #corkfilmfest

source: corkfilmfest.org

Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 2's Steve Wright in the Afternoon

Marion 19 November 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on BBC Radio 2's Steve Wright in the Afternoon

Back in September Daniel visited BBC Radio 2 and today the interview aired on Radio 2's Steve Wright in the Afternoon. Daniel talks about A Young Doctor's Notebook and Other Stories (starts 21st November on Sky Arts 1) If you missed it, you can listen back via BBC's iPlayer below and there is also a free download available (until 7 days after the broadcast)

source: bbc.co.uk

Updated(4): The Guardian: photoshoot & selfie by Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 19 November 2013 1 permalink
Updated(4): The Guardian: photoshoot & selfie by Daniel Radcliffe

Back in September The Guardian posted a photo online from a new photoshoot. Another one fom this shoot has also been released online recently which I posted on this site's Facebook page.

Update: 22nd November 2013. A video from this photoshoot (to promote Kill Your Darlings) has been released. Read Simon Hattenstone's interview with Daniel Radcliffe in Weekend magazine in Saturday's Guardian.
Update: 23rd November 2013. Read the interview online.
Update: 25th November 2013. View outtakes via Facebook: photo.

Daniel Radcliffe speaks to Simon Hattenstone about smoking, his musical tastes and the embarrassment of being a millionaire. Daniel also reveals that he has created 'the Michael Fassbender test' for his acting career

Then I also had not posted the selfie Daniel made for The Guardian on the website yet, it seems to be taken on the same day as the shoot, it was posted online on 3rd August 2013.
"The smartphone self-portrait has become a global phenomenon - but how much does a selfie really reveal about its subject? Is there an art to it, or is it just a disposable snap? We asked some famous faces (and reluctant sharers) to send us their own unique take on the selfie"
‘I’m about to take my make-up off. The nature of Monkey was irrepressible! (Monkey fans will understand)’

source: theguardian.com, perou.co.uk
Photos: Perou, & Daniel Radcliffe via The Guardian

A Young Doctor's Notebook: on set with Jon Hamm and Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 18 November 2013 0 permalink
A Young Doctor's Notebook: on set with Jon Hamm and Daniel Radcliffe

The Telegraph has posted a new interview online with Jon Hamm and Daniel, plus some new photos on set of A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories. Quotes from Daniel are below, find here the full interview.
'I owe everything to Potter, but playing a character for so long gives you this pent-up energy and desire to try as many different things as possible. The films I made last year and A Young Doctor have been huge leaps forward for me. I think I am getting better at knowing what I am good and not good for,’ he says.
source: telegraph.co.uk

Daniel Radcliffe on The One Show & Magic Radio

Marion 14 November 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on The One Show & Magic Radio

Daniel did pay a visit to BBC One's The One Show yesterday where he talked about Kill Your Darlings alongside Oprah Winfrey, who talked about The Butler, live in the studio. To those of you in the UK who missed it can watch this episode via BBC's iPlayer.

And I also should mention that he also talks a bit about Gold and that he is currently working on Frankenstein with James McAvoy. There is a short video of Daniel's confession during the show below. View the full video here.

Besides the confession Daniel also did a shout out for this years Children in Need fundraising during the show. The One Show posted on Facebook:
Thank you all for your donations so far - a whopping over 500,000 pounds has been raised!! Keep donating and support the fabulous #TeamRickshaw (info) on their final two days!
Two more photos: photo 1 | photo 2. How you can donate: text 'TEAM' to 70705 to donate £5. For the full terms and conditions click here: bbc.co.uk/tv/isite_assets/pudsey/donate/text_donate_five.pdf and for more info visit: bbc.co.uk/pudsey

Then I also had not posted about Daniel and Dane DeHaan's appearance at Magic Radio (Breakfast with with Neil Fox) where they promoted Kill Your Darlings. They did visit the studio back in October, but the interview did air last Friday 8th November. There is audio for people in the UK to listen back to (for me that doesn't work) right here on magic.co.uk

Another photo via Facebook:

ShortList magazine: Daniel Radcliffe talks his favourite soundtracks

Marion 13 November 2013 0 permalink
ShortList magazine: Daniel Radcliffe talks his favourite soundtracks

I did already post ShortList magazine's (UK) trailer for their 300th issue. They now have uploaded a new video online: an interview with Daniel in which he talks about his five favourite soundtracks.

Read more of the interview by ShortList right here. Photos are here.
As we've pointed out, a great soundtrack can often be even more worthy of attention and acclaim than the film it's associated with. When we had a chance to sit down with actor and music buff Daniel Radcliffe during the shoot for the 300th issue of the magazine, we asked him to tell us all about his five favourite soundtracks ever.
Agree? Disagree?

Issue 300 is out tomorrow, 14th November.

source: shortlist.com

TIFF 2013: The Globe and Mail photoshoot and interview

Marion 12 November 2013 0 permalink
TIFF 2013: The Globe and Mail photoshoot and interview

Photoshoot during the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) in promotion of Kill Your Darlings. The photos below from The Globe and Mail were taken on 10th September 2013, the day of the KYD press conference. Full article + photo. Second photo.
“I don’t want people to forget about Potter. I love what we did on those films and they were an amazing 10 years of my life. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t want to sever any connection with it. It’s just that I want to be an actor and not just a character. The last few years people have been giving me opportunities to show that more and more,”
source: theglobeandmail.com

Kill Your Darlings: Exclusive UK trailer, Newstalk podcast, #KYDcutUP

Marion 12 November 2013 0 permalink
Kill Your Darlings: Exclusive UK trailer, Newstalk podcast, #KYDcutUP

The Works released the official trailer for Kill Your Darlings, exclusively via MSN Movies UK. View that one below.

Then you also could have missed the podcast from Ireland's Newstalk (The Picture Show) which aired 10th November in which Daniel talks about Kill Your Darlings with Philip Molloy.

And don't forget that you can submit your art (well UK only) for the Kill Your Darlings Cut Up Art exhibition until Sunday 17th November.
Creative submissions
Terms and conditions

New info on this is that you can also win tickets to an exclusive preview screening:
For this first of a kind exhibition, running from 21-23 November featuring a selection of original cut-up artworks, submitted by artists and designers via a national Facebook initiative.

The exhibition will be projected at key locations around London being seen by thousands of people.

If YOU spot a projection, take a picture and tweet it using #KYDcutUP for a chance to win tickets to an exclusive preview screening of Kill Your Darlings.
Read more.

Ok then there's one thing I want to sneak inside this post... An interview with John Krokidas in which he also talks about Dan (thanks teennewsnet.com)

Photo: YouTube/Rotten Tomatoes trailers

Daniel Radcliffe talks about A Young Doctor's Notebook 2

Marion 11 November 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe talks about A Young Doctor's Notebook 2

Sky Arts has added a new video to their website about A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories (Series 2) called "A Young Doctor's Notebook The Second Incision".
Jon Hamm (Mad Men) and Daniel Radcliffe talk exclusively about the brand new series and take us behind the scenes of our favourite Russian hospital. 

The new series starts 21 November, 9pm Sky Arts 1 HD.

source: sky.com

Venice Film Festival: Kurt Krieger photoshoot

Marion 11 November 2013 0 permalink
Venice Film Festival: Kurt Krieger photoshoot

We have not seen all the photos from the Venice Film Festival. Photos from a photoshoot by Kurt Krieger appeared online. They were taken on 2nd September 2013 to promote Kill Your Darlings (Giovani Ribelli).

Photos: Getty Images

Daniel Radcliffe on George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight

Marion 7 November 2013 1 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight

At the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) back in September, George Stroumboulopoulos interviewed Daniel for George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight. This episode in which Daniel talks about Kill Your Darlings (and more) has aired now and you can view it online.

Daniel also recorded a Season 10 welcome greeting which I did share via Facebook, but you can also watch the video below.


TIFF 2013: National Post photoshoot and interview

Marion 6 November 2013 0 permalink
TIFF 2013: National Post photoshoot and interview

In promotion of Kill Your Darlings: National Post had a photoshoot during the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) The photos were taken on 10th September 2013 (the day with the KYD press conference) but are released now.

The interview. Full article here. Another photo here.

On immersing himself in the F Word romantic comedy “It’s the freshest thing I’ve ever done,” Radcliffe said. “There is no scene where my character has a breakdown. It’s all about collaboration and playing around and having fun.”

On the wordplay in the movie “I was always scared that it was too much dialogue and it would be too wordy and all that,” he said. “But it’s very cinematic, and captures [Toronto] well, and that was important to me.”

source: nationalpost.com

Updated: Be a part of the Kill Your Darlings Cut Up Art exhibition launched by Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 5 November 2013 0 permalink
Updated: Be a part of the Kill Your Darlings Cut Up Art exhibition launched by Daniel Radcliffe

The Kill Your Darlings Cut Up Art exhibition is coming soon to London. The Works UK are launching a Cut-Up art exhibition and they want your submissions. It's a chance to have your work included in the London Cut-Up art exhibition and attend the exhibition launch with Daniel Radcliffe on Thursday 21 November. Below you find the introduction from Daniel and more info on how to submit your own work.

Update: 6th November 2013. Today, The Works released another video via Little White Lies in which Daniel and Dane DeHaan explain how you can enter.

Information via Little White Lies magazine:
Submissions should be made using the cut-up technique i.e. taking scissors to an original text then rearranging the fragments to create a new one. This snappy creative mode is inspired by a double whammy of Williams (Faulkner and Burroughs) and has been used by the likes of David Bowie, Kurt Cobain and Thom Yorke. In the spirit of 'killing your darlings' your cut-up creations can be inspired by whatever your own creative obsessions are: design, fashion, illustration, photography, art, literature, music.

Upload an image of your cut-up artwork to the Kill Your Darlings UK Facebook page no later than Sunday 17 November. Facebook submissions should be .jpg, .bmp, .png, .gif or.tiff image files and should be 15mb or less in size and must be available for projection in digital image format either in 1024 x 768 landscape or 768 x 1024 portrait pixel resolution. The exhibition will take the form of a series of projections that will appear across London locations between November 21-23.
For more information: Check out #KYDcutUp or visit the official Facebook page and to join the cut up conversation. --> Event link <--

Kill Your Darlings will be in UK cinemas from 6 December.

Updated: Daniel Radcliffe talks about A Young Doctor's Notebook series 1 and 2

Marion 4 November 2013 0 permalink
Updated: Daniel Radcliffe talks about A Young Doctor's Notebook series 1 and 2

Sky Arts has updated their website with a new exclusive interview with Daniel Radcliffe in which he talks about who the Young Doctor is and what the show is about ahead of the brand new series of ​A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories.

Update: 12th November 2013. Another video is uploaded by Sky Arts and is added below.

Daniel Radcliffe stars in ShortList: Issue 300 - trailer

Marion 4 November 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe stars in ShortList: Issue 300 - trailer

The UK's ShortList magazine's 300th issue, a crime fiction special, has Daniel as their cover feature and ShortList uploaded a trailer/short film for this feature which you can view below.

Issue 300 is out on 14th November.
For the 300th issue of ShortList we have to go big. We have to go bad. We have to blow you away. Er, so we will…

The world’s top crime authors have penned us tight 300-word stories for the issue. And…well, we don’t want to reveal too much else. But suffice to say, there will be special guests and headline-grabbing coups. Not to mention the odd body to be disposed of. Bring a shovel.

source: shortlist.com

Venice Film Festival: Riccardo Ghilhardi photoshoot

Marion 1 November 2013 0 permalink
Venice Film Festival: Riccardo Ghilhardi photoshoot

Even more photos from Daniel Radcliffe have appeared online from a photoshoot by Riccardo Ghilhardi taken at the Venice Film Festival in September earlier this year to promote Kill Your Darlings (Giovani Ribelli). Photos at Harry Potter Online.

Updated: Daniel visits A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder

Marion 31 October 2013 0 permalink
Updated: Daniel visits A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder

Daniel payed a visit to Broadway's A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder yesterday, 30th October 2013. Broadway.com published some photos online from Daniel and the cast backstage. The musical is currently in previews and will open 17th November 2013.

And then also Happy Halloween! --> via Entertainment Weekly, The Halloween edition of their Pop Culture Personality Test: "Daniel Radcliffe, David Boreanaz, and others share memories of Halloween costumes past"

Update: 23rd November 2013. Photographer Bruce Glikas posted this photo of him and Dan on Instagram and added "My pal Dan was amazing in "Kill Your Darlings" go see it"

Bruce Glikas' Instagram. See more photos at broadway.com.

Daniel Radcliffe talks Frankenstein & Kill Your Darlings with IGN UK

Marion 31 October 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe talks Frankenstein & Kill Your Darlings with IGN UK

Daniel Radcliffe recently visited IGN's London office to discuss his new movie Kill Your Darlings - which is currently on limited release in the US and hits UK screens on December 6. But he also discussed Frankenstein and Harry Potter (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them).

Updated: Daniel Radcliffe to play Sebastian Coe in Gold

Marion 30 October 2013 0 permalink
Updated: Daniel Radcliffe to play Sebastian Coe in Gold

Screen Daily is exclusively reporting that Daniel is set to play four-time Olympic gold medallist Sebastian Coe in Gold. BBC Films (which also confirmed the news) and the British Film Institute have developed the project with AL FILMS. BBC Films’ head Christine Langan will Executive Produce.
GOLD will reunite Radcliffe with British director James Watkins (Eden Lake) following their 2012 box office hit The Woman in Black. Its screenplay is by Oscar winning writer Simon Beaufoy (Slumdog Millionaire) and Will Davies (How to Train Your Dragon) and the film will be produced by Joanna Anderson & Vicky Licorish (Small Island) and Kevin Loader (Hyde Park on Hudson, Le Week-end).

Christine Langan said: ‘Compelling, funny and moving, GOLD is a gem of a story and BBC Films is proud to be participating in bringing it to an international audience.'

Financing is also provided by Ingenious Senior Film Fund, represented by Gavin Poolman. Tim Haslam and Hugo Grumbar’s Embankment Films are selling worldwide and will be launching the film at the AFM.

Embankment’s Tim Haslam said: ‘GOLD is a movie about an insatiable need to win, fuelled by intense ambition, only possible through the support of loving family.’ The film tells the story of the gladiatorial rivalry between world-record breaking athletes Sebastian Coe and Steve Ovett. Driven hard by their families, two young men from very different backgrounds rewrote the record books and kept the whole nation - and then the world - gripped by their battle. GOLD is based on the acclaimed book The Perfect Distance by Pat Butcher, who also acts as consultant on the project.
Filming will begin in the UK and Russia in April 2014.

Update: 1st February 2014. Because  of the fact that The Cripple of Inishmaan on Broadway will start in April, the production of Gold is pushed back. Production in 2015 and the release in 2016.

Gold. Winning is everything. Second is nowhere.

source: screendaily.com, bbc.co.uk, embankmentfilms.com

Updated: Kill Your Darlings press junket interviews (US)

Marion 28 October 2013 0 permalink
Updated: Kill Your Darlings press junket interviews (US)

Daniel appeared on Coffee with this morning from CBS Baltimore via satellite talking about Kill Your Darlings during the US press junket. More interiews below and then there is also WGN - Chicago and contactmusic.com.

Update: 28th February 2015. CBS News interview added below.

BBC Talking Movies

Los Angeles Times photoshoot

Marion 25 October 2013 0 permalink
Los Angeles Times photoshoot

Daniel, director John Krokidas and Dane DeHaan had a photohoot for LA Times in promotion of Kill Your Darlings. See photos by Francine Orr at Getty Images. Read more here.
"No one else gets asked this," Radcliffe said. "That's the reality. You might get asked about what it's like to play gay or what was it like to do a gay sex scene, but not the level of questions of it being a shocking thing or did I think it was a risk.
source: latimes.com

Venice Film Festival photoshoots (Filip Van Roe & Fabrizio Maltese)

Marion 23 October 2013 0 permalink
Venice Film Festival photoshoots (Filip Van Roe & Fabrizio Maltese)

More photos from two different photoshoots which were taken at the Venice Film Festival earlier this year where Daniel promoted Kill Your Darlings (Giovani Ribelli). 

Fabrizio Maltese (For The Hollywood Reporter) Getty Images

Filip Van Roe (no photos available)

Daniel Radcliffe on The View

Marion 23 October 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on The View

Daniel did visit The View yesterday where he promoted Kill Your Darlings. You can watch the video below, or for the US via ABC's website.

A quote from Daniel about the gay love scene in Kill Your Darlings:
"It's one of those things. I think it's only shocking by virtue of the fact of what I've done before," he says. "I think it only is shocking by virtue of I've done [Harry] Potter in the past, but actually, like, for me, inherent to longevity in a career, you have to have diversity, you can't be doing one thing all the time."
Daniel also talked about A Young Doctor's Notebook, which is currently airing on Ovation TV in the US.

source: abc.com
Photos: Getty Images

Updated: Kill Your Darlings press junket interviews (UK)

Marion 22 October 2013 0 permalink
Updated: Kill Your Darlings press junket interviews (UK)

UK press junket interviews in promotion of Kill Your Darlings. There's also BFI. Daniel talks about Star Wars with Sky Movies below. You could also have missed the Radio KissKiss podast (Italy). keep checking back because I add more as they appear. Links: Yahoo! Movies UK & Ireland, BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat, Batman vs Superman from Total Film, Batman vs Superman from Total Film part 2.

Update: 5 December 2013. The Guardian.
10 December 2013. Friendship test.

This video is also shared on Facebook.

A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories advert

Marion 22 October 2013 0 permalink
A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories advert

A new advert for A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories (series 2) appeared online, see that below. The series will air on Sky Arts 1 (UK) and starts Thursday 21st November. Time: 9 PM.

source: sky.com

Cinemacy's interview with Daniel Radcliffe, Dane DeHaan and Michael C. Hall

Marion 19 October 2013 0 permalink
Cinemacy's interview with Daniel Radcliffe, Dane DeHaan and Michael C. Hall
Cinemacy talked with Daniel Radcliffe, Dane DeHaan, and Michael C. Hall about Kill Your Darlings during the press day.

Clip: Daniel Radcliffe's advice from his English teacher for Kill Your Darlings

Daniel, What has the journey been for you, from childhood actor to more adult roles?
Daniel Radcliffe: Since finishing [“Harry Potter”] there’s been a huge journey for me, like, I had never worked with different crews before or different actors before… doing Kill Your Darlings was a huge thing for me because I wasn’t going to be working with anybody I knew. It was like starting fresh in a way, and that was really exciting.

Like the beat poets you portray, did you have any angsty writing and thoughts that you put down?
Michael C. Hall: I definitely have some journal entries…
MH: They’re ultimately just run-on sentences.
DR: Yeah I definitely wrote my fair share of real bad poetry from when I was about 13-18… Some of mine were actually published under a fake name when I was 17. Don’t look them up.
Dane DeHaan: Yeah, also guilty of teenage poems of trying to achieve naked self-expression.

Why do you think the beat poets have that “staying power?”
DD: I think their affect on today’s society is kind of amazing. Their books are still celebrated and read, they were the original hipsters. In where I live in Williamsburg/Brooklyn, I can’t walk down the street without seeing at least 10 people dressed exactly like Jack Kerouac.
DD: It’s insane. Their books obviously have this huge impact and also what they stood for, how they dressed, all of that still resonates today.

Is there any difference in playing characters in the 1940’s as opposed to contemporary characters?
: Yeah, the script is so well rendered that a lot of it could be unconscious, you could [easily] give over to living in a world that is contextualized in a totally different way… I was excited more specifically, about the opportunity to humanize and sympathize [with] this guy who’s sort of a footnote of the beat generation and was, if anything, characterized as a bit of a 2 dimensional villain/stalker. I liked that the movie aspired to round him out a bit, and that was appealing.
DR: Allen [Ginsberg] is one of the characters that is probably easiest to find empathy or compassion with. There are moments where he’s so easily manipulated by Lucien where there’s a part of you that wants to shake him. Also John [Krokidas, Director] took the pressure off by telling us not to really research our characters too much past the point where we find them in the movie, so there wasn’t really a sense that we were having to live up to the icons they became.
DD: Yeah Lucien’s a tricky one because Lucien worked so hard to make sure this story was never told. My responsibility is to honor this person by trying to figure out truthfully who they were at this point in their life, not necessarily how Lucien would want himself to be portrayed in the film.

Was there any sort of research you did into the time period?
DR: The thing I found really helpful was [listening] to music of the period. I listened to a lot of Jo Stafford, who I had never come across before, and his songs “No Other Love” and “You Belong to Me.”

As actors, are you excited about the opportunity that you can take to challenge the rigid, more formulaic parts of the film industry with some of these roles you're taking?
DR: I’d like to think that if the choices I make are slightly unexpected or challenging people then that is good. I don’t know if it’s like we’re railing against the industry but I also do think that that we [Dane & Michael] are fairly right-minded people in terms of what we value in scripts and storytelling.

source: cinemacy.com

Daniel Radcliffe, Michael C. Hall and Dane DeHaan visit Young Hollywood

Marion 19 October 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe, Michael C. Hall and Dane DeHaan visit Young Hollywood

On 4th October 2013 the cast of Kill Your Darlings (Daniel, Michael C. Hall and Dane DeHaan did visit the Young Hollywood Studios in Los Angeles, California to promote Kill Your Darlings. They talked about college and Daniel about his Super Bowl predictions. Young Hollywood now released the video which you can view below.

From 5th October: This happened. Happy Friday. #HarryPotter #MoreToCome #DanielRadcliffe

source: younghollywood.com
Photos: Getty Images

Updated(4): Sharp magazine photoshoot (Canada)

Marion 18 October 2013 0 permalink
Updated(4): Sharp magazine photoshoot (Canada)
Sharp magazine, Canada's magazine for Men, did post a photo online taken during TIFF in September. Photographer Matthew Lyn now posted photos from his shoot with Daniel online. The cover.

Update: 28th October 2013. Behind the scenes video & interview via Sharp's website: Daniel Radcliffe's Dark Side.
Update: 6th October 2015. Outtakes and this behind the scenes photo.
Update: 10th May 2017. A photo via Matthew Lyn's Facebook page.
Update: 11th September 2019. Another photo via Matthew Lyn's Facebook page.

BFI London Film Festival: Daniel Radcliffe attends Kill Your Darlings premiere

Marion 18 October 2013 0 permalink
BFI London Film Festival: Daniel Radcliffe attends Kill Your Darlings premiere

Daniel did attend the Kill Your Darlings premiere at the BFI London Film Festival yesterday evening, 17th October, in Odeon West End in London. Other cast members who did attend were Dane DeHaan, Jack Huston, and director John Krokidas. The London Film Review.

BFI London Film Festival: Kill Your Darlings photocall

Marion 17 October 2013 0 permalink
BFI London Film Festival: Kill Your Darlings photocall

Daniel Radcliffe attended a photocall for Kill Your Darlings during the 57th BFI London Film Festival today at The Corinthia Hotel together with Dane DeHaan and John Krokidas. Kill Your Darlings will premiere tonight at the Festival.

Photos: Getty Images

Venice Film Festival: Vanity Fair Italia photoshoot

Marion 17 October 2013 0 permalink
Venice Film Festival: Vanity Fair Italia photoshoot

The Vanity Fair Italia photoshoot by Fabrice Dall'Anese taken at the Venice Film Festival in promotion of Kill Your Darlings (Giovani Ribelli). During their interview they asked him to cite some poetry of his own, he said he didn't remember some of his own poetry so he came with the following and added "It is Byron, I love it"

photos: number 1 / number 2 . More at Getty Images
"Away, away, ye notes of woe ! Be silent, thou once soothing strain, Or I must flee from hence for, oh ! I dare not trust those sounds again"

source: vanityfair.it

Daniel Radcliffe on Capital FM Breakfast Show

Marion 17 October 2013 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on Capital FM Breakfast Show
Daniel did visit Capital FM London's Breakfast Show as part of his Kill Your Darlings promotion and it aired this morning. Daniel took part in the Bum Bum Bongos with Lisa Snowdon and auditioned for a part in Dizzee Rascal: The Musical.

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