Updated: Make-A-Wish Foundation: Katrina meets Daniel Radcliffe on the set of Horns - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: Make-A-Wish Foundation: Katrina meets Daniel Radcliffe on the set of Horns

Another wish which came true with help from the Make-A-Wish Foundation BC & Yukon. Katrina from Barrie, Ontario visited Daniel on the set of his upcoming movie Horns, she posted this picture online.

A Note: 18th November is probably not the the exact date when the picture got taken, it's not featured at her Tumblr.

Update: 15th November 2013. Another photo was uploaded by Katrina, see that one below.
Katrina has always been a big fan of the Harry Potter collection and her wish was to learn more about Daniel, his film ‘The Woman in Black’ and what it was like to spend time on a movie set. Daniel graciously welcomed all to his make-up trailer to share photos, what it is like living with the challenges of a medical condition and the love of all things horror. Presented with a Make-A-Wish scarf, Daniel playfully mistook the scarf for his favorite football club – The Tottenham Hotspurs because of the team colors blue and white. What an exciting wish day for Katrina - thanks Daniel! Special thanks also to bridgestudios.com/ and fairmont.com/pacific-rim-vancouver

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