Updated: Daniel Radcliffe looks back at his youth with The Independent Radar magazine (UK) - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: Daniel Radcliffe looks back at his youth with The Independent Radar magazine (UK)

This is the article which will appear in the 1 December print edition of The Independent's Radar magazine where Daniel talks about his upcoming projects The F Word, A Young Doctor's Notebook, Kill Your Darlings, some earlier projects and more.

Update: 6th December 2012. There are also new photos from the photoshoot by David Sandison, but I was told I'm not allowed to post them because of copyright. There is a photo here via The Daily Beast. And a few more right here.

source: independent.co.uk

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this interview, it was a brilliant read. I just think they could have asked someone who's actually seen his work to interview him, instead of someone who's not even read the harry potter books..


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