Book release: Chronik eines Harry Potter Fans - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Book release: Chronik eines Harry Potter Fans

I received some news for all you German readers of Daniel J Radcliffe Holland. Thomas Sailer, Austrian writer, released his 3rd book called Chronik eines Harry Potter Fans (Chronicles of a Harry Potter Fan) some days ago. In his book he talks about how much Harry Potter has influenced/changed his life.

Starting off with helping out a fansite (Emma Watson Empire) to being the founder of, - a site which lists Harry Potter related sites and where Daniel J Radcliffe Holland is listed also - and his organisation called 'The international network of Harry Potter Websites' his way to keep Harry Potter and it's fandom alive.

A small scan about setting up

Interested? You can buy the book via the following links:

- ISBN-10: 3849123502
- ISBN-13: 978-3849123505
- 184 pages

You can view a video here. For more information about Thomas Sailer or this book, you can visit his Facebook page or his website.

Photos: Thomas Sailer

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